Adam Garcia

Technically 8th was my first Doctor. I decided to pick up the series on BF because of the "Night of the Doctor." I had listened to "The Four Doctors" and "The Light at the End" beforehand, but the moment the 8th Doctor Adventures were canonized in "NotD" I decided to start listening… And that was when the addiction to

Plus it's one of those stories that can make you WANT to watch all Seventh Doctor stories (and Sixth Doctor by that extension) until you realize, no… Big Finish is actually a better "show runner" than most the 80s.

Yeah McQueen was great in UNIT Dominion as well.

Eh… He's gone on record not "drinking from the same river you bathed" or something to that effect. I kinda feel like if it was just a production issue when he was in it, he'd be more involved with the 50th or what have you.

Yeah! You get classic Doctors with modern standards of storytelling. Plus you can have stories/villains/companions cross between all the classic Doctors.

Well they did do something with 9 - 11 for the 50th, not full range stuff, but it was something.

"But then I updated a bit—twice really, a leather jacket, cut my hair. Then I let it grow out a bit and got this fancy green coat."

Briggs and his team do have a good track record of making stories feel both classic and modern at the same time.

Personally I just want to have an 8th Doctor story meeting a later version. Preferably in live action, but I'll take a Big Finish audio.

Well, we'll have to wait and see. Thankfully Nic Briggs works for both so it'll help.

I'm beyond excited for his Big Finish 4th Doctor tales; plus I'd love to see Jonathan Morris write for the show. "Festival of Death" was pretty brilliant timey-wimey.

I would kill for Big Finish to get War - 11. I would fucking kill for it.

They don't let you have bees in here.

See I always got the perception that most people didn't like him at all, only his inner circle really cares about it.

I mean, it's really a subjective thing. But for me this Sherlock represents my ideal version.

But arguably that is the ideal Sherlock/Watson based on the original source material.

I find these reviews are focused on the fact that Sherlock ultimately doesn't represent the reviewer's ideal version of the characters, which is unfortunate, since this show is truer to the original stories than anything else (despite you know… all the differences… I swear this makes sense.)

Missed that! My apologies.