
Vote Thunderbolt Ross!

To be fair though, they did the same thing to Mockingbird, Hellcat, Hawkeye, etc., and everyone has generally praised them for it.

Or the artist's wife gave birth then broke her leg.

I think that's kind of been the point though — it's not a show that's interested in fulfilling traditional or obvious expectations.

Oh no, it's not only you!

Oh sure — it took what, 17 years for us to find out who the Twelve were?

Right, I'm just saying it's no surprise you haven't heard anything. But to your point, I'm not sure why a creator would think that people want to wait 5-6 months for a plot to advance.

Yeah, I'm of the opinion that it's a fun story, but a terrible Hawkeye story. But it has been such the gold standard in recent years.

I'm shocked no one has said Hawkeye yet.

Johns said it would take two year for the full story to come out.

It's about as close to a mic drop as you can get in comics. I don't think anyone dares to follow it.

That's a good one. And given the state of most of the characters in it, I think I'd include Hickman's Secret Warriors as well.

Robinson's Starman.

His She-Hulk and Thunderbolt runs were memorable.

I'm not bothered by event comics. It's the reboots and changes to casts and creative teams that follow event books that bother me.

You might want to give Scarlet Witch a try, if you haven't. It's almost like an old-school Vertigo book in its level of self-containment.

All of the X team books operate in a logic-free zone at the moment. Move everyone to a hell dimension? Why not! Let a bunch of time travelers take a gap year rather than concentrate on getting home while ignoring or killing the adult versions? Sure! Let Greg Land draw your book? Great idea!

How they don't have USAgent is beyond me.

I went back and reread the current run recently, and I think it actually gets a lot better after those first issues — which aren't bad, but are just ok.

lol, glad to help. And diapers are certainly appropriate to go with the book! *rimshot*