
The "isn't it hilarious that we're in a comic and crazy comic book things are happening!" tone has become much more pervasive the last few years.

I wonder if it was just a matter of keeping the copyright on the names, since both characters were dead at the time?

The randomness isn't as much of an issue — it's the lack of any coherent team building, camaraderie, reason for the team to exist, etc.

Right, some are pretty obvious, but I don't get why there wouldn't be a panel or two to explain Johnny and Pietro for instance.

I've put way too much thought into this and I think he mostly has focus problems — his casts and his ideas get away from him.

I love Ewing's choice of characters, but find his books consistently hard to engage with.

Me too, I like that Robinson has his favorite corners of Marvel continuity to keep playing with.

Two things:

Anyone read Velvet by Ed Brubaker? It's Moneypenny-as-Bond.

I'd have liked to have seen The Baxter and They Came Together on here. Or even Role Models.

Jonagar Jonagin?

Small price to pay for getting rid of Terry also!

Defenders 4eva!

It's amazing to me how many people have said it got them to start reading comics.

I've been impressed — I didn't know Marquez before, but it's sort of a blend of Copiel and Cassady (to me at least — I'm sure I'll be called crazy for this.)

To be fair, his Secret Avengers was pretty effin' esoteric.

The best one has been the one with the time-lost young X-Men, but I also hate that as a concept (just fix the characters you have, Marvel!). So I'm torn.


I've never disliked them, but really seems like Marvel will never stop trying to make them happen, and it's never going to happen.

ETA: NVM, question was answered above.