
I think we should have ended 2016 with the skeleton rap from "Roll The Bones" and then pulled the plug on the whole thing.

It's a good one!

I'm not sure if this comment is sarcastic or not.

Some of us don't see this is a game to be won. Some of us just want to live a decent existence before we ALL fuck this planet into a dumpster. Liberal/Conservative/Whatever. There are no winners on a scorched earth.

It's a cold, hard world out there for Republicans. Let's cut them some much needed slack.

Did they play on the same lacrosse team?

Ok, I thought about it. I don't think you actually have a point to make here.

This planet is a trash heap.

Russell it's always great, but Piper owns that role. Couldn't imagine anyone else.

I found the making-of doc for Dark Star to be way more interesting than the movie itself.

I always thought that movie wasn't particularly subtle in it's intentions. And then I read this article.

I find the old movies to be kinda boring and goofy. Force Awakens was goofy, but at least it wasn't boring.

Even as a longtime fan, I honestly think El has never been as good solo as he is with Mike.

Why does a massive turd deserve any amount of professionalism? Fuck that guy.

I'm ok with equating "awful person" with "Trump supporter" for the next little while.

This is the prologue of a trashy dystopian novel.

Well, I did say "hopefully"

Well thanks for dealing with this in a timely fashion, Facebook.

Well that made this day a little better.

I'd prefer if the spirits just fucked him up real good.