
Lol! I confess to being a scary obsessed C.M. fan ever since TMP came out. I have watched everything he has ever done more than once ever, including his Astro-time video (and have found myself liking it more and more).

No point in belabouring whether he's staying or not, when all will be revealed in a week. I have already outlined my logic, if you are not for it, you are not.

Yes. Emily Nassbaum.

All that happened was that someone tweeted to her that in their opinion, that's the direction the show is going in, and she responded that she would be ok with if it, if that were to happen. I read the tweets.

I know, right? Even in his interviews earlier in the year. Don't get this sudden speculation.

I stand corrected on The Office changing networks. I am probably thinking of its post-syndication era.

I don't think so. After all, his contract is with Universal, not Fox/ Hulu. The Office changed networks. Steve Carrell, who became a big star within 2 years of its running, was held to his 7 yr contract. The 'Danny's a dick' theme is nothing new. They've played that card throughout their relationship. Besides, even if

Exactly. Seems like he has the best of both worlds at TMP. Has his day job, and the flexibility to pursue special projects. I don't buy that he would mess that up.

This is my favourite episode this season so far. The fight sequences were so great and so well acted it felt like I was watching a real relationship. Raunchiest episode of TMP ever, and I say bring it on!

I am rooting for that as well, and think that's where they are going. That's where all their arcs seem to go. Make Danny a total dick in the service of a bigger point (in this case, making Mindy realize that getting married and having kids is not all its cracked up to be), then make him redeem himself by realizing how

I don't think that Chris Messina is leaving for this season at least. MK in her interviews, has alluded to some Danny and ex-wife based storylines in the 2nd half. With Adam Pally, they announced his departure 3-4 months in advance, so they would take the same approach with this one.

Agreed. At the cost of repeating others, you can't watch this show from a logical perspective. It's full of plotholes you can drive trucks through. It's a character driven show with amazing zingers. And sometimes it hits the spot just right as a romcom.

Couldn't agree more about the 'trolls'. There is this discussion here that Messina now has reduced credits, further evidence that he is not coming back. I went back and checked, and these are the exact same credits they were using throughout in season 3, except Pally's scenes are gone. So the whole discussion is so

You are absolutely right. There is no issue of reduced credits here, compared to either earlier in the season or to previous seasons. They use the exact same 2 shots of Messina they did in Season 3.

This is not correct. I rewatched and checked. Like I said to another poster, this is the exact same version of the credits that they used in Season 3 ep 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15……with the exact same 2 Messina shots. One with a collarless black t-shirt from Season 1, and one in the blue shirt from Weiner Night. The shots

No they have not. I just rewatched the credits. And he has the exact same 2 shots as he had in this version of the credits that he did in season 3. One in the black t-shirt from season 1, and in the blue shirt from Weiner Night. The only shot that is missing is one with Pally in the foreground with Messina in the

I sincerely doubt that. Based on plot lines towards the end of 4A, like Meet the Parents, engagement party, Mindy Danny's 1st meeting, they have to be Messina heavy episodes. Looking forward to those making up for these filler ones.

No, Danny's Ma doesn't work, and he does pay all her bills. She pulled a brief stint of going back to work just to make him feel guilty for mentioning it to Mindy (s3e2). In addition to all the above, don't forget Danny also gives away cars to rando kids. No wonder they have no money left for their kid. LOL

He had to leave in time for pre-production since it is a fairly major role, and his character seems heavier than Danny, so he would have needed time to gain weight. I would be shocked if he is not back in a big way for the rest of season 4A from the plot lines they have hinted at. I, for one, am glad that they did

It's not that he is not on the show anymore. He is filming with Affleck, and they let him go and shot the episodes out of order, in time for pre-production for the movie. I understand he is back for the rest of season 4A with a Danny Mindy meeting of parents, etc in the works.