
True. That is why she tells him off, gets the tv back, etc. The show's writers have said in their interviews that they wanted to do the baby storyline to show how this brings out the worst traits in both of them. They are simply showing Danny's bad behaviour as he is adjusting to being a new Dad, not endorsing it.

Episode 3- LCIMS

Agree on all counts. Short-term solutions not withstanding, they both need to be back at their work environment for the show to continue. What will they do with Beverley, Tamra, Jeremy, Morgan otherwise?

P.s., I really enjoy comedies about terrible people. They are the only ones I watch. So, if you like any of these other shows, TMP may be worth your while to stick with. Here goes: It's Always Sunny, You're the Worst, Veep, Silicon Valley.

Don't you think that's the way things actually go in real life? My husband and I dated for 6 years before getting married, and I really got to know the more unpleasant sides of his personality once we started living together. Let's face it, Danny was always a jerk, and that was bound to come out in a long-term

Not to worry. Perlman will be back!

This show has always been about pushing the boundaries, even on Fox. Remember I Slipped from last season? So while not a fan of the scene itself, I kind of admire that they did it.

I think Danny will eventually go that route. He wanted to take a 'paternity' leave to stay home with the kid, remember?

Agree. While I am with the other commenters here at actively disliking their interaction this episode, upon reflection, everything you say is true. She is a 'stone cold', hard bitch who makes sure she gets what she wants in the end, despite Danny's annoying sexism, and more power to her for it!

I agree completely with your comments on unlikable and bad people being the charm of this show, and my initial reaction about Danny and their dynamics was the exact same as yours. Not interesting, nor charming. First time I actively disliked an episode of this show. I don't mind if Mindy decides to stay home with the

I would respectfully disagree with that generalization of men. My husband would like me to go back to work asap after we have a kid. His dream is to be a stay at home Dad. He dislikes corporate life, and works from home now anyways. So really it depends on the dynamics and the guy.

The reviewer is quoting a funny line from the show itself. In Season 2 (FMYI), Jeremy calls her a 'female woman'.

Seems that you dislike the current premise of the show, so wouldn't watch whether the show is on Fox/ Hulu. But I have not come across anyone who wants to watch miss out because of the move. It seems to be thriving on Hulu. As someone else here said, it is the #1 show on Hulu. Plus, there are so many other ways to

You can if you have pumped beforehand. My friend came clubbing with us a couple of months after her delivery. If I remember her correctly, it's fine if you don't feed for the next 8-10 hrs. And Danny was bottle feeding the baby when she came home.

The character is supposed to hate all healthy food, not know the names of any fruits & vegetables, and eat only junk food, candy, etc. It's a standing joke on the show.

I would watch at midnight, but am in Canada, so wait until they stream it on CityTV at noon Wednesday.

You may very well be right. No other show makes me obsessed enough to watch each episode 4/ 5 times in the week after it comes out (and I have lost count of how many times I have watched season 1 & 2 episodes at this point, maybe 20 times each or more) and then I complain about the logical flaws that I find, when the

Is there anyone/ ANYONE who follows this show regularly and is not Messina-obsessed?!

Review so on point, including the highlighted punch lines! The only thing I will disagree on is Danny's Catholicism preventing him from doing anything he wants to do, despite his comments to Mindy in Season 2 (L.A.) that you are not supposed to move in with someone unless after you are married. That was more jealousy

Overall, there are general consistencies in stories and character arcs. The problem I think is that the scenes showing these kinds of details get cut in favour of more jokes in the editing room making it confusing for the viewers. This show can really benefit from better editing.