
That's what I figured as well. Did not see your comment before responding.

This also goes back to your comment within the article. Presumably her clinic is now an expansion of their existing practice, with her needing more space to offer the additional service. So her personal credit history is not an issue.

Another possible explanation- this will be an expansion of their existing practice, so she will not need to take out a loan in her name.

With you on this one. They are trying to be a bit more consistent as the season progresses. They were awful in the 1st few episodes, except for the very first one that Kaling wrote. Anyways, presumably Danny will help her out with the loan, but I don't think the show will ever address this explicitly.

It was shame in the show, but sham would be funny too :)

'You should propose out of love or at least for reality TV ratings.'

To be fair to TMP, prospect of cancellation looms so large for the show, that they have less to lose by risking to go down this path. I actually think they will do great with telling the pregnancy jokes, less certain about how they will navigate the waters if they get season 4, and have to deal with parenthood. I am

Couldn't agree more on the baby trope. It would not be fair to prejudge a plot line before seeing how a show presents it. This could turn out to be either gold, or an absolute disaster for this show at this point. Will wait and watch.

I agree completely that MK has likely introduced this storyline to give her audience some closure in case of a possible cancellation, and that Mindy's chances there are greater than NG's, bcos NG is an inhouse production for Fox, so earns them a better bottom line. I would not call NG 'hugely more popular' though - it

This was in response to the new episodes below. My phone is acting crazy.

From what I heard they do have a new episode next week and then a gap in the last week of Jan returning Feb.

Couldn't agree more. The uneven editing and continuity errors are frustrating, and for me, most glaring in season 3. But then you have some episodes like Christmas or We're a Couple Now, where they hit it out of the park with their attention to details. As you say, it's a shame they cannot deliver more consistently.

This show does one liners so well, and so many gems in this one! Wonderful to see Mindy mature the way she did by the end.

Next episode.

I read in an interview by Ike that she will be back and there will be more development on the Morgan Tamra story line.

There has always been that dichotomy in ML's character. She was always interested in the fellowship - she was excited and flattered when Jean brought it up. But initially she is struggling with it bcos she's into the socially dictated norm that getting engaged and married should be her top priority at this stage. When

Peter's entire response was just for its comic value though. Not that he would actually go out with those characters.

Adored the episode and like the review. The reference to Gift of the Magi was awesome - Danny makes it possible for Mindy to pursue her dream even though he realizes how much he will miss her. Absolutely that concept! Couple of thoughts:
A- are you serious?! Is that bcos that's the highest grade the show is allowed?

Agree. In this case though, it is likely that Pally made other commitments because season 3 was originally a 15 episode order. He is really good, well liked, and though has quickly become the 3rd lead, does not get the same attention as Mindy and Danny so would not be as invested. Too bad, did not like his character

Huh, I actually stopped watching New Girl in season 3, found it so vanilla. I enjoy edgier comedies like Its Always Sunny and You're the Worst. Mindy I don't mind, since for all its problems, it's about terrible and interesting people, and has its laugh out loud funny moments. Plus would watch anything with potential