
If you don't like Friends, but like Its Always Sunny sort of comedies, you may like Mindy.

Completely agree. There are a lot of problems with this show, but the ones that this reviewer picks are strange. In what world would Mindy not be reluctant to confront this situation directly? Not to mention that they did a good job of explaining Mindy's rationale very clearly through her scene with Jeremy. So many

True. But they have done so much better with giving him storylines in season 3 compared to season 2 that I have high hopes.

Thought that little scene between Messina and Pally was the sweetest thing ever!

Good point about Brendan - I was so satisfied with my getting the M&D of last seasons' without continuity/ editing errors that I didn't catch that. You know what though, much as I would like to think otherwise, this show will never be the 'best version of itself' bcos there are too many anomalies here from its very

I'm turn b/w r u kidding me right now & what show r u watching??!!

Ha ha! Reminds me of Its Always Sunny! Btw, the other guy/ chick seems a lot angrier than you are.

I agree about Ed Weeks. I cannot get over how incredibly good he is, and that he has still not gotten enough screen time for so long now. I disagree on the Mindy and Danny comment though, they have been fairly bad people throughout, which is not an issue for me. Like I was saying to another comment, that's the

Danny is a complete hypocrite. That was established in Season 2, remember "I don't lie, I cannot remember the last time I lied, except for everything I said tonight." (Officer and Gynaecologist), Mindy's calling him out on being conveniently Catholic when it suits him - "There's lots of things you are not very

Ha ha. No pressure either way :)

JS, sold. Will give NG one more shot just bcos you recommend!

This man is so incredibly adorable, I can't even!!!!!

I know - best episode of the season since the premiere, right? Even had some back stories on people. Mindy Danny story, while not showing a great development, still showed progress, I thought upon rewatching, in terms of their ease and comfort with each other. Ed Weeks was so amazing. Don't get this rating. Believe

I love your comments. They are so spot on and seem like you have read my mind. I have nothing to add. I gave up and stopped watching New Girl before mid-season last season. It was so incredibly boring I could not take it anymore. Can I really restart watching again without being superly disappointed? Bear in mind, I

How is her not understanding the title grounds for her downgrading the show?!

Completely disagree with the rating - sheer comedic genius! I adored Chris Messina and the entire ensemble acting here. I will cease my recent complaints about plot lines and enjoy the show for its comedic value. After all, most if not all other tv comedies work the same way. It is not possible for any long running

Well, that's how season 3 is playing out for me with the exception of the premiere. The previous seasons especially season 2 had considerably more depth and character and are the reason why I got hooked.

Ha ha. Maybe the show will tackle a golden shower situation next.

Actually she said she would not let him pee on her. It would have been funnier your way.

I don't think the show was trying to portray anything more sinister than a poke in the rear. As you pointed out nothing is really going in there without prep.