
That's ok. I make those same typos for the same reasons. And then sometimes Autocorrect very helpfully changes what I wrote to make them for me.

Thanks for uploading. Like the writers admits, they are speculating. And so am I. I read Mindy and Messina will both be busy with their book tour and movie respectively in January. So even if they start filming end of Jan, we would not get new episodes before mid-late Feb. I am sure Hulu will announce soon, especially

I do appreciate your overall point. The show being on Hulu has not necessarily boosted its ratings in any big way. It is doing solid however without Fox, so without having the added restrictions. I was not expecting to see the show do amazingly better on Hulu. Why would it? It would defy all logic. This is a niche

Do you mean 'wain' a medieval carriage, or 'wane', as in fade?

We will have to agree to disagree. Danny has always been a rigid traditionalist in certain ways, this being one. This was the very first topic that he raised when they got together, that she would be a SAHM. Talk about long-term thinking, the writers planted this seed in the season 2 finale. Some viewers such as

Note to self: TMP is a half hour comedy, not a Shakespearian drama. Stop with the overanalysis.

Disagree. Now more than ever, I want to see them work things out as a couple. U've hit the nail on the head on why the writers needed this storyline in the 1st place. To show conflict and draw out the arc before bringing them back together. If they believed they did not want them together as a couple, they would not

Agree that Danny being as stubborn as he is right now in the face of Mindy vocalizing that she wants to be a working mother is somewhat jarring. Even as recently as episode 5, he was hiding how he really felt to support Mindy's decision to go back to work after her mat leave. But I think this flaw is also what will

I fear you are correct. Like I said to the other post, I don't think they are back until March due to conflicting schedules and Messina's other projects. But I will try to find confirmation.

I read somewhere they are not back until March. I will upload the link if I can find it.

Hulu does not release ratings, but it is the 2nd most popular show after South Park - you can arrange shows in order of popularity on Hulu.

I agree with you completely. Do know men like him who are incapable of any true growth (does not help that he is 40 and set in his ways), but will compromise in extenuating situations if they stand to lose enough. So the show needed to go there because this character can only bend if he faces the possibility of losing

Agreed. I am not holding my breath on the therapy, or that, even if Danny goes to therapy, he is open enough for it to change his perspective. I think any advice that he will actually ponder upon, will need to come from a closer source. Maybe Ma, or, as you say, Christina.

Would love to see it. Don't think the show is going there.

That's why they needed to explore the possibility of a break-up without an actual break-up. To people like Danny, their only motivation to compromise would be when they run the risk of/ are confronted with running the risk of losing the relationship, and all that it entails. I know men like him in real life, who are

Me either. But I don't think that's the direction in which the show is going. Season 4B will likely be all about him coming around.

I know MK has said that they are trying to bring Christina back to get her POV on the divorce. Where did you get all the details from? Can you share?

Thanks for pointing out about the voice-over. That is probably why they brought back the 'Go to Bed' for a couple of the episodes he missed. To give him more voice-over time.

That is exactly what Nussbaum tweeted. Don't know about last week, but this week, this poster seems obsessed with making people believe Messina is leaving. He/ she is quoting everything out there out of context. It's all a bit silly.

I did actually. And she tweeted those about a M/ D break-up, which seems likely. They've been setting the stage for it. That does not translate to his leaving the show. To me, it would be shocking if they did not still remain the 2 main protagonists for the show. We will see.