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    the hilarious capper to "manhattan love story" is the guy crying and the girl going, "figures, i start to like him and he turns out to be gay".
    this after two minutes of boob and purse jokes.
    …really impressed that a 14 year old boy sold a pilot!

    HAHAHAHAHA rachel literally looked at the camera at the end of the episode. WHAT!? and i love the "we don't have the budget for location shoots anymore so we're going to LA!" storyline.

    i feel like it's gotta be hard to critique a show like "mindy", because objective comments about this show's quality are kind of irrelevant, at least for me. i find myself rolling my eyes at, or confused by, a lot of what happens on screen, and yet it has this weird x-factor/quality/charm that makes it one of the

    as if my film degree wasn't useless enough.

    i felt like this episode was my satellite picking up a parallel-univers version of "revenge", where the show never got bogged down by useless mothers, worthless subplots, and whatever the padma/nolan relationship was. even charolette felt like a real character with real, human emotions (and props to christa b allen

    this episode felt a bit like a victim of plot restructuring to me. did anyone else feel like this episode might have originally led to something bigger (maybe a big bomb with alicia/finn, or diane/canning/kalinda) that got moved to one of the following two episodes?

    her not voting is a hilarious recurring bit! it's been mentioned a bunch of times. it was also established early in season 1 that mindy is a terrible cook and has no idea what to do with fire. (when josh's panini presses caught aflame, she suggested they fight fire with fire and grabbed a candle lol). i'm always

    bobblehead? be careful you don't drop your monocle, bro.

    why isn't this movie called, "the other women?"

    i think the director was making a "hiding in plain sight" kind of comment with that last shot. alicia and peter were having a juicy, telling conversation with the door open, yet no one was even paying any attention. which is interesting after an episode all about seemingly-secure conversations being listened in on.

    "at least he didn't sleep with her husband" …as far as we know. there's still may sweeps coming up.

    her change of attitude here reminded me of the episode when she found out about kalinda and peter's affair. first she cried and wallowed, didn't know what to do with herself, then decided to bury herself in work and kick ass.
    i love the way she's learned to take her aggressions and helplessness in her personal life

    i think why "the good wife" is the best show on TV (for me personally, at least) is that it's always so much fun. there are plenty of prestige dramas on TV that i can appreciate for their crafted storytelling and nuanced drama, but they often feel like a chore - an exercise. which is great, don't get me wrong, but

    this is awful


    no matter the network, can they put this on wednesday nights? the tagline writes itself. #humpday

    for some reason "stop eating crab wrong" was my favorite line of the night. and this was a night full of great lines.

    i can't believe how smitten i am with this show right now. i want many more seasons.

    santiago totally pulled off that dress. she's straight-up beautiful and hilarious.

    I LIKE THE BUTT FLAP. oh my god, winston bishop you are a fucking treasure. just had to put that up front.