
hot take: Henry VIII was worse than Donald Trump's Laserharp.

I liked the Oprah thing, but he's done that same concept before. Was it Jay-Z?

well, i stand corrected. Thanks. A little variety in subject matter might still be called for. But hey, I liked the songs.

I don't put it all on Crowe. He clearly does not have a gift for comic timing, but the writing was specially rough. I couldn't tell if the jokes in the Henry VIII were jokes or parodies of bad jokes.

I liked Margo Price's sound. I do think she might overrepresent how much whiskey she drinks.

I actually thought, contra the reviewer, that the show was heavily influenced by Schumer's sensibilities. There were bits of her feminist politics sprinkled around, and many of the sketches were dominated by her Apatow-tinged Trainwreckish side best summed up by, "I'm trash from Long Island." All those broad

I don't know. Seth/Amy/Jimmy/Tina didn't always banter either. A lot of times they did the same thing—take turns reading jokes—that Jost and Che are geting constant flack for. I think the reviewers have demanded better "chemistry" every single week. Well, you can't ask for too much more than we saw this week.

I don't really root for anyone to be let go. Both for reasons of principle (i can't imagine reading on a weekly basis a bunch of people say i suck and should be fired) and because i've genuinely enjoyed this year's output. Solid episodes have become the norm again. Remember how frustratingly uneven last season was?

Along with bringing in new audiences, the musical guests are what they are because of $. They can get the big record labels to pay if there's some promotional element to it. Every now and then they'll have a classic act like The Rolling Stones, or a cool new band with credibility, but more often it's something

SNL chose to address it. If the show was just silly jokes and weird characters I wouldn't really mind so long as it was funny. But when they write a sketch about it, I expect (or at least hope) it will be sharp and go in an unexpected direction. So, I don't really care if it confirms or challenges my personal views.

Uncanny how much Cecily sounded like Allison Williams when she was singing.

Look I'm never a fan of Kenan's Al Sharpton, but isn't it insensitive in this context? I was really baffled that their response to the non-indictments was caricature of a black man bungling words. I don't typically mind it that much, but in this context It felt gross, almost minstrel-ish.

one man's "just..ended" is another man's mercifully short.

I think it's hilarious. I think it's considered alt because it's more a loose character sketch than something punchy with a lot of jokes. It's designed to be a little off-putting. I knew lots of Chris Kirkpatricks and this is pretty damn funny to me.

It might've been a little soon for another baby boss. I was ready not to like it but the physical comedy made me laugh. And they took it to his house with his wife this time which was at least a little bit of a fresh iteration. Once or twice a season is usually the most i want to see recurring sketches. leave them

It's adept physical comedy.

It's a sign of hope that the show has had 2 consecutive strong episodes on its own current merits, not relying on the greatest hits of an alumnus (Bill Hader). Maybe the cast/writers have hit their stride.

Thank you, that's what I've been saying about Kenan for forever. He is funny but just putting him in every sketch broadly reacting wears very thin. At least there hasn't been a Steve Harvey sketch in a while.

You didn't mention the best thing in back home ballers—bowls!

bless you