
I loved, loved, loved the scenes between Parick and Dom. They were authentic and the intimacy between the two was palpable. From what I've heard they are good friends off screen as well.

Actually, a three song cameo!

Wow, I'm floored by how good this episode. I hope this isn't the last episode ever of Looking…

As much as I would HATE for this show to be cancelled, I could deal with a movie that wraps up everything.

Such a great, emotional episode. Really intrigued to see where the writers are taking Patrick and Kevin. The next 3 episodes will be VERY interesting.

I literally watched Patrick's meltdown through my fingers. It was excruciating and fabulous at the same time.

WOW!! Tonight's episode was just wonderful. Ugh, I love this show so much.
Seeing Patrick and RIchie together gave me all kinds of feels.

HBO would be crazy to let Andrew Haigh go.

I'll check it out again on your recommendation.

I tried it but not really my thing. May have to check it out again though. I like to give things a second try.

Another great episode!! I swear if they don't renew this show I will be heartbroken.

I'm hoping the ending of this episode is the beginning of Patrick realizing his thing with Kevin is going to end badly.

The writing and this episode was on point tonight!!! Great job on the recaps!

I forgot how much I MISSED this show!! I love how you get the feeling that these guys have been friends for years. They way interact with eachother is refreshing.

The finale hit all the right notes! The scene at the end with Patrick and Richie was heartbreaking. Bravo to Jonathan Groff and Raul Castillo.

Another fantastic episode!! Introducing Patrick's parents was key in helping us, the audience, get a clearer picture as to why Patrick is the way he is. This episode covered a lot in a just a few scenes.

Week three was Superbowl weekend. The show aired on Saturday and then repeated on Sunday. That episode was released 5 days early on HBO Go and HBO On demand.

The best moments for me this episode were the ones with Patrick and Richie. Right now, their characters are the most compelling. And bravo to Raul Castillo for turning Richie in to such an interesting character. The chemistry between him and Groff is great.

I completely agree,