
yup Jumped the Shark. What was the point of the Astrid, Lagertha, Bjorn triangle. He's trying to keep up with Game of Thrones or something. Then he kills off the most famous of Ragnar's sons, Sigurd.

Well I am done. NOt watching this show anymore. Michael Hirst says he's not writing a documentary, but a drama. Okay, so he killed off one of the most famous of all Vikings: Sigurd Snake in the eye. He dropped the story line on the formation of the Normans in Normandy. What's the point of watching if the show

I thought the Harald Elisif story line was weird and pointless. The Egil story is a let down.

Geez, the Vikings killed a bunch of Franks that weren't doing anything and then everyone is pissed because the franks kill the Vikings, who could just go home and steal someone else's stuff. Ragnar could not enter because he had wronged three people: Aslaug, Floki and Rollo. ANd because he never made admitted his

Yes I think so. I also think Queen Eliz is too. Philip and Elizabeth are cousins, not first cousins but cousins. Vlad had one daughter Maria, but I think it's through his son, not sure.

YEs I think you are right. This is laugh out loud funny. (she's a frank) The Franks end up all over not just france. Watch this. Remember the seer spoke about dancing on the beach. Some of Rollo's descendants end up in Southern Italy. When they first came as mercenary troops, they camped on the side of a volcano.

Watch this little video. Some of Rollo's kids end up in Italy. Here they are dancing on the beach. Bohemond of Taranto lived here one of Rollo's great grand kids. Taranto means tarantula. When the NOrmans first came to Italy, they camped on a volcano near here. The Tarantula spiders bit them. The Tarantella was

Well Germany wasn't really a country until recently. Queen Elizabeth's maternal DNA is from Urraca of Portugal. The English Royals are FRANKS and Lombards. queen Victoria's last name was Welf. The younger house of Welf is the house of Este and Lombards. The descendants of William the conqueror ended up all over.

That's not even the half of it. His descendants end up in North Africa, Southern Italy, serve in the Varangian guards in Constantinople, Greece Bulgaria, Spain, and the Holy roman empire. (England is important, but it's only one island in a whole larger world.) They were also founders of the KNights Templar and

I hate the bun. I hope the Franks make him cut his hair. The braids were a better look.

Michael Hirst probably combined the two characters Giselle and Poppa to make Gisla. (there's only so much time for so many people) Rollo kidnapped Poppa so he was not able to marry her in a church, but he did marry her by Viking custom. Consent is required from all parties in a catholic marriage, but not in a Viking

Actually, I don't care about the English Royal family. The English family did allow themselves to be tested. Prince Philip was tested to match the remains of the Old Czar. Prince Philip was the Czar's cousin. I believe Queen Elizabeth's last known ancestress on the maternal line was Urrica of Castile and her DNA

No I don't think it will be at the expense of Ragnar. That little girl is in big trouble. Her dad is weak and her mom probably ran the kingdom Mom's dead and she's alone now. Odo Count of Paris was making eyes at a woman in the crowd. We know Odo became the first Non Carolingian King of the Franks. We know that Gisla

OMG you have no idea. Rollo's daughter and grand daughters will give rise to the Templar Knights. Her kids will rule, Spain, Italy, France, North Africa, and the Holy Roman empire.

I think she made him angry because she wasn't fleeing and looked completely calm. He started climbing up the wall and was in that beserk rage, and she had the upper hand. She does get a slightly fearful look but still did not run. I have a feeling she'll always have the upper hand. ;) Let's just say her daughter

Remember that scene back in season 2 where Rollo has to take Aslaug away and they abandon Kattegat? She's only too quick to flee and the old man talks him into abandoning the villagers? Well I think that bothered him a lot. When he sees her on the wall, I think at first he looks surprised, what the hell is she doing

So the seer was right, Charelmagne and St. Denis are the dead who take the city. The Oriflame of St. Denis (from the poem of Roland) was carried on the Spear of Destiny by Frankish Kings. Whoever possessed the spear ruled the world. Hitler stole the spear, and General MacArthur had the spear. It's now in a museum

Ya you are probably right. It might be too many characters to keep track of. I am not sure about Crazy Princess, he won't marry her, but she might be telling truth. Magnus the good had a Scandinavian father, but English mom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… They might make him the St. Olav Character who builds the

:) Did you notice, Paris looks like Disneyland. They gotta get that mouse!

Remember when the seer told Lagertha: "I see a city of marble and a burning churning ocean." There was a cut scene where Rollo tells Lagertha he's always loved her, from the time he was a boy. She just looks awkward and uncomfortable. Rollo is old enough, in his world to be a grandfather, and you can see he wishes