
Torvi might just take out Erlendur. She looks pissed and she's got Jarl Borg's baby.(when Erlendur took that jewel that Bjorn gave her, I thought she was going to stab him in the eye like when Lagertha killed her husband) I think history says that Ragnar married a third time. Some lady named named Tora (something

Oh sorry, I didn't see that it was the same user name/person. No actually, I made a mistake. Sorry was redundant.

I understand what you mean. I think the Judith/Ecbert thing might be relevant to the story latter on. I think, I could be wrong and frequently am, Ecbert is going to try and kill Aethulwulf and take Judith as his wife. I remember reading about ALFRED the great. He defeats the Vikings. Alfred was sent to the court

I aim to please. ;)

It's necessary to set it up. The Viking age ends at the battle of Hastings where the Anglosaxons defeat the Vikings and kill Harald Hardrad, but then Duke william of Normandy invades and kills Harald the ANglo Saxon. Note the horn in the Carolingian court. That's Roland's horn. The legend says when the horn is

It's historical fiction. They can't follow it exactly because they you would get to know any of the characters because they would die before they could interact together.

We'll see what happens. EVeryone splits up, I hope you know. They (the Vikings) don't remain together. Ragnar's kids eventually become the English. I think Bjorn goes back to Scandinavia. Oh and it's SOOOO not looking good for the Vikings. I happened to notice in the scene with Charles the Bald, he's looking at a

Ragnar's going to die. His sons avenge him with the great heathen army.(they are looking for extras for that) AS you said, The court drama in France is setting up why Gisla marries Rollo. Odo the count ends up being the first non Carolingian King of the west Franks. Gisla can't marry her suitors for some reason,so

The VIKINGS LEFT Scandinavia. What is wrong with you people. REad a book.

The Vikings LEFT scandinavia. No it hasn't been done, otherwise you would know that this is part of the story. The Real Vikings became other people. (like the Normans and the Rus) Few stayed behind. THat is the story.

Normandy, I am guessing and France, will be a major player in season 4. So you might want to tune out. Spoiler, the Vikings left Scandinavia and parts of other cultures. They went to Turkey, Greece, ITaly, Russia. Rollo's daughter's kids ended up in Spain. I am guessing, but I think the Kattegat story is going to

I hate to break it to you, the Vikings didn't stay in Scandinavia. You might want to just tune out. There will be a lot more Vikings. Rollo ends up the Duke of Normandy. His descendants will go to Italy, North Africa and the Middle East. Ragnar's kids will end up in England, so yes the England story is important.

I guess it's her or Eckbert and she's the lesser of two evils.

Aethulwolf said there were no survivors. Perhaps Eckbert paid the farmer. I could be wrong. Remember Aethulwolf even shot the kids.

I think Ragnar is going to blame Rollo. I think Rollo had seen Athelstan before Floki got there. I think Athelstan gave Rollo something. I think Rollo told Athelstan Floki was coming.

Rollo saw the map! Then just what the heck was he doing out at night when floki went to kill Athelstan? I think he was talking to the wanderer or Siegried. HIstory says that Sigfried was beseiging Paris and Rollo went up toward Burgundy, the King let him pass because there was a civil war going on. IN real

I think floki is going to leave town and discover iceland.

Floki is leaving town. He's going to discover Iceland.

Let's see Floki was glaring at Athelstan for like years. Floki was telling everyone that he hated Athelstan and then Floki leaves town. Gee I don't know who coulda done the murder? Floki is supposed to discover Iceland.