
That's why I think Sigurd might not be dead. In the Saga's I believe he was resurrected from death by a hermit. So now it's the man with one lung against the man with no legs, Ivar. Perhaps King Aella's daughter finds Sigurd and hides him. We know in the Saga that Sigurd married King Aella's daughter. Maybe

I didn't think about that. Betel nuts don't make people hallucinate. Magic Mushrooms make people hallucinate and the Viking had those. They definitely didn't have a kava drug.

I've read the real viking Sagas. I know what is in them. What they are putting in the show is MODERN, not Viking sexual morals. The Vikings thought the Romans were hedonists. The Romans did orgies, not the Vikings. Homosexuality was not a part of the Viking world. Roman men could sleep with a younger man with

Rollo grappled with existential questions too. He's a Viking that really doesn't belong. He doesn't really care about fame. IMO he doesn't even care about raiding. Rollo IMO was an unViking Viking. Ragnar wants to Know things. Rollo wants to give love and receive it about all things. We know that the real Rollo was

I thought Helga was supposed to die in that raid, but then she didn't. I guess, Hirst went, Oh wait, if she dies there, then Floki would never forgive Rollo. What was the point of the Chinese girl? Why couldn't Ragnar just get a hooked on the mushrooms like Rollo was hooked on booze and mushrooms? The betel nut

If you read the real Viking sagas, and maybe you have. People adopted poor relatives ALL THE TIME. So say someone had like 12 kids, they would send one to live with a relative easily. WTH happened to Porunn, she disappeared into the wilderness! What happened to Rollo's translator. He just disappeared.

Okay… you would be surprised on how much REAL sex I get. ;)

The whole thing was a disaster in my humble opinion. YES a totally wasted character in Sigurd. Then he puts in other stupid characters that nobody gives a shit about. The Whole Vik story line is dumb.

Lots of dangling story lines here too. Bjorn never mentions the child. I think the Porunn character was just stupid rabbit hole that the writer had no idea how to get out of. Character was stupid and unbelievable. Armies of shieldmaidens????? At least the Torvie character is more believable.

I can't understand why the writer wasted so much time and that stupid storyline. He could have had Helga just die in a raid. In fact, I think that's what was intended last season, but then he decided to make her get better????? The Chinese girl story was bizarre too.

The Sagas are about Ragnar's sons. Then the writer tells us he's telling that story and then he meaninglessly kills off Sigurd. What's boring is characters like Astrid, Tanaruz. and the Chinese girl. Lots of time wasted there. Why not just kill Helga in a raid, instead they do this dumb story where she's

probably correct. Millions of viewers will watch for the meaningless sexual scenes and stupid characters.

YES he did. He became one of the most famous Vikings it's in the Saga of Ragnar's sons. In fact, Sigurd inherited everything. Instead we get time wasted on meaningless characters like Tannaruz. Why not just have Helga die in a raid???? Makes more sense than OMG all of a sudden she wants to adopt this girl. IT's

Why not just have one of them disappear into the EAst to work for the Rus instead of putting in a meaningless characters. The Chinese girl irritated the heck out of me last season. The plot was not believable. Why not just make him hooked on the mushrooms and one of the other characters could have fulfilled that

The other person insinuated. I just think that the author is sacrificing the story for sensationalism. For example, why not just finish up with the Harbard story line and have one of the boys disappear into the east to work for the Viking Rus, instead of putting in a meaningless character like Vik. We already know

Call me a prude, I really don't give a shit. I find the characters sharing a wife GROSS. I find threesomes gross and not interesting. I am sure I am the minority. I really don't care anymore. I would like to see something more meaningful than meaningless sex all the time on t.v. That is all.

You are probably right. I'll just read the sagas.

Grieving… no? but we didn't get to see Sigurd's story which was the POINT of the series according to Hirst himself! Hvitserk went on to Constantinople and was a Varangian guard under Rurik the Viking King. I just think it's a waste, and then inventing characters that are just dumb and pointless, like Astrid. What

news to me, he said the show was about the brothers and then he killed off Sigurd who was actually the one that survived all the other brothers, and kings of Scandinavia. What was the point of Elisif and Vic? The whole Tanaruz storyline was dumb and didn't really fit. The Chinese lady was interesting, but he didn't

I thought the point of the Tanaruz Character was to perhaps give Bjorn some guidance on his way back to the Mediterranean, but the character didn't do anything. Same with Chinese girl, just pointless. Show is ruined, tacky sex. That's it for me.