Evil Genius

pfft - you guys are soo late on this one
Ripping Yarns has already got this covered with the episode The Testing of Eric Olthwaite - go on, watch it then come back and comment

As with all remakes, sometimes the remake is better than the original but often that isn't the case. The films listed here are good examples of remakes that worked but there must be dozens more remakes that fell totally flat and bombed badly at the box office.
I prefer new material than a retelling of an old story.

That is just awful.

:P - Now that's humourous as I'm Australian and we speak English as per the Oxford Dictionary. Not like some slack jawed yokels who have degenerated and devolved over the past few hundred years ;)

It's their money therefore they can do what they like in regards to which shows they finance. It's up to the viewing public as to whether or not they want to see these all male shows.
I suspect that the majority of people who watch these sort of shows couldn't care one way or another about the gender ratios in the

Well said sir :)

Glad to see a writer maintaining some control over their work for a change

Good article and it echoes my sentiment about turning Cap A into a Nazi - that shit can just fuck off

Is this going to be set within the MCU?

Meh, you guys are way late to the party. Fallout has been doing this since 2007 - check out this number - Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup - I'm Gonna Dig Myself a Hole

This looks like it will be really good - it's one of the best teasers I've seen in a while and the humour will really help it

It seems that there are a number of critics who are pouncing on anything that, in their view, gives offense. The Chattering Monkeys line was appropriate because it fits in with the vernacular of Asia. My sensei, who was Japanese, said the same of us when we were not paying attention in the dojo and I have no problem

I've watched all 13 episodes and I'd give the series 3.5 out of 5. It was good but not great.
The performances were all good, David Wenham was outstanding as Harold Meachum.
The push to cast Iron Fist as Asian was always doomed and it is a little insulting to the source material. The whole point of Iron Fist & Power

Don't feed the Trolls Jordan ;)

MiB killed Maeve and her kid a "year" ago - Maeve's story is happening in the present.

Great post +1 :)

We shall have to wait and see eh? :)

One of the highlights of this episode, well for me at least, was the conversation between Ford & Bernard about consciousness and Ford's revelation that us humans are just as stuck in our own loops as the hosts are.
Ford "Every host needs a backstory Bernard, you know that. Self is a kind of fiction for hosts and

I think its Elsie as well as Bernard tells the security guys that Elsie is on vacation thus giving enough time for a host version of Elsie to be made and then "Elsie" than comes back from her vacation to take up her duties at the park once more….

I'm not 100% certain that William killed that dying host as Dolores went to get water. He did have a limited window in which to do so however the host was just still alive when Dolores returned so I think that's pretty clear that William didn't kill him rather that host died from his grievous wounds.