Evil Genius

Edit- I don't think Teddy is Wyatt. Teddy & the MiB were captured by those Union soldiers because one of them recognised Teddy as being part of the group of soldiers that went crazy and murdered a whole bunch of people but that guy never at any stage said that Teddy was Wyatt, just one of his accomplices.

Maeve could read Felix, she knows when people are lying hence he'd dare not betray her

Glad I'm not the only one :P

What a chilling and brilliant end of an episode. Sir Anthony Hopkins just nailed it. This shows is mesmerizing.

Great Post Acid :)

I think I have an idea as to why Westworld doesn't have Roman or Medieval parks and that's to do with the safety protocols set on the Androids. The hosts that can use guns are using dummy weapons and also only very limited hosts can be authorised to use tools that double up as weapons [ie; the axe in Ep.3] . Therefore

There is a real problem with this article:

"Love on a Real Train" Tangerine Dream from Risky Business.

I think its great that Millie and Winona have formed a friendship. Winona can certainly help Millie navigate the dangers that child stardom can bring and as well share her wealth of experience in acting.

Just when I thought Hollywood had reached its nadir in regards to its sick fetishism for remakes I read this article and despairingly realise that there is no nadir, there is no end to the endless recycling of classic movies over telling new stories.

This is really funny but also sad at the same time and that is the perfect combination for true drama.

[snorks into his coffee] LMAO! :)

I really loved this series and I'm pretty certain there will be a 2nd season due to its growing popularity.

I agree that El had not only broken through the dimensional barrier back at the lab but by doing so has created a radius of dimensional instability which allows the monster to push through into our world when it senses blood.

Bullets only seem to have a minimal effect however fire seems to work just fine.

I love this show. I was the same age as the boys in 1983 and there were 4 of us who played D&D together so this is like swimming in warm happy memories for me as well as being one of the best things on TV ever. Someone else coined the term which absolutely sums things up: we are in Peak TV at the moment. There is no

My thoughts exactly Lupin. Any AI brought into existence MUST be raised like a child, with dedication, love and care or else we will have Samaritan.

What a finale that was.

If they do go with a live action Archer, I wonder if it will follow on, story wise, from season 7?
Archer is, for all intensive purposes, dead.
Unless they go for the reboot mode and start the story from scratch.
TBH I'm not all that confident that this will go ahead and I'm really unsure if the show can make the

At the end of that last episode all I'm left with is "Is that it?" :|