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    I agree. There is something deeply untrue to the story about having young & glam Who, Which, and Whatsit.

    Please do a better job than with Wrinkle in Time. I love Ovtavia Butler, and I worry about putting one of her works into the hands of a woman who would make Who, Which, and Whatsit into young, glam, fancy beings. It's so deeply untrue to the story that I am afraid to see what she will do to Butler.

    Except fisk does not work in context. One does not employ a point-by-point refutation to find out how deep something goes. One might fist in that case, but one would not fisk. Add to that her hashtag, and this is looking more like they lack the courage of their crude convictions. No wonder they need guns. They're

    Skating fish-people do not film well.

    "We're nerds. Nerds get stuff done."

    I saw Ishtar. I'm not sure whether that means I win or lose. A little of both I suspect.

    There was a shortage a couple years ago. Maybe that confused her?

    For a really good quest that is not processed, fry up some bulk chorizo. When it gets nice and browned, remove the sausage, sprinkle flour in the pan, and stir until the flour begins to look like damp sand. You'll want rougly an equal amount of flour as grease left behind (pour off excess grease if there's more than a

    A mother sauce is a sauce that can be used as a base for other sauces. It's not a single sauce that can be used on a ton of different things. I thought the article was a bit confusing about this.

    Not really. A minority of people are shitty. For every negative, whining snowflake, there were at least 20 people who were glad or intrigued. Most people are pretty decent most of the time.

    No Orphan Black, so I will be skipping September's show.

    You know what? I don't care if CNN doxxes HanAssholeSolo. Frankly, I think they are being more than generous to give him a chance to stop being such a proud asshole.

    So, when Trump supporters hear of a screw-up president, the first thing they think of is Trump?

    Good. Do not back down. Do not let the crazies set a false narrative.

    Europe, who will not flatter him.

    Funny how they didn't get upset at all when a 2012 production of Julius Caesar had Obama being stabbed. Frankly, they should be flattered that anyone would think to compare Trump to someone as competent as Caesar. King Lear would be a far better fit.

    Kicking a puppy into the sun makes so much more sense now.

    No lottery ticket for me.

    Of the princess movies, this is my favorite. I think Lilo and Stitch is the best of modern Disney.

    Aren't chips fried potato? What's the big leap from fries to chips?