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    I am not a huge chip fan, but I don't get the disgust at ketchup chips. If someone likes fries with ketchup, ketchup chips seem like they'd be a hit.

    So, they removed the "ask" and the "anything" and left the "me." Sounds right for Trump.

    Yeah, it's not like getting your hand cut off and finding the guy trying to kill you is your dad—and finding it out as your hand is cut off—is dark. Nope, that's just sweetness and light.

    But remakes aren't all there is—not by a long shot. There are—literally—hundreds of non-remakes every single year. Even excluding foreign films and indies, the types of films nominated in the dozens of award shows every year far exceed the average of five that typical viewers go to theaters to see. Yes, there are

    I don't think Sherlock's relationship with his father at all refutes the statement, “She endorsed him with her very genes.” That really has less to do with a father/child relationship than it does with the woman/man relationship. It is possible for a woman to choose a man that her (and his) child abhors.

    This is, by far, my favorite Capaldi episode so far. In the past, I'd watch the show and think, "Capaldi is a great actor, but they haven't really made him into into the Doctor, not really. He's just playing." But, with this episode, it really felt like he became the Doctor. That's why the whole bit with Clara walking

    Mr. Boss could be Blaine's grandpa, but he can't Blaine's father. The actor playing Mr. Boss is Eddie Jemison.

    Dave Kim could have Milky Way. There's a nougat center without nuts.

    Fox assumes that Fox News viewers make up 50% of her audience. I doubt that is true.

    Ryan Seacrest is basically pop culture's antichrist. Everything he touches makes the world a little meaner, a little more vulgar, and a load more vapid.

    Nope, just this season. Last season were quotes from Francis Bacon, a person who tried to reconcile science and religion (and we had the cult). The first season had quotes from Charles Darwin (Origin of the Species). This season focuses on the military, hence the speech warning about the military industrial complex.

    The episode titles are from Eisenhower's farewell address—the one where he warned about the dangers of the military industrial complex. Yes, they have meaning.