
Am I the only one who thought the ending felt a little off?

Yes, but losing is sad for them; they're not going to the poor house over it.

If Axe is backed into a corner, he can threaten to claim that she is a co-conspirator. Let's face it, at this point she has done enough questionable things with Axe that he can hurt her pretty badly, and by extension Chuck.

His family is still insanely rich, to him it's not much of a sacrifice.

I was a little disappointed we didn't have a scene with Lara getting mobbed by angry citizens telling her how much they despise her.

Which is odd as Taylor had a very humanizing moment playing poker for Axe. Turning it around and showing them as an unfeeling jerk happy to let people suffer and idea under flawed Darwinian ideals was pretty sad.

I think it is the ladder. Lara is coming off as horrible at the same moment Wendy is coming off as sweet and loving.

Just curious, was anyone else surprised to see Taylor casting the vote for austerity here?

So far this show has spent some time showing Lara as incompetent, now it is showing her as outright awful, cruel and just plain mean spirited.

Haven't been a big fan of Maddie lately, but this was sad.

With everything going on in their respective marriages, I have a hard time seeing this is just a business decision for Axe.

Thank you!

Honestly, I find Lara more attractive than Wendy.

Two things:

That occurred to me, but it would have meant literally everyone else in town other than Veronica knew and just kept quiet.

Testing to see your captors limits isn't necessarily stupid.

Archie as stupid is the best they could shoot for.

Well, this pretty much settles it, anyone still think we won't be getting Alice back?

Wouldn't go that far, Julia couldn't penetrate Marina's security. Or unlock her home wards without help.

Possible yes, probable no.