
Why does knowing someone isn't a nice guy take the joy out of art?

If you object to the question, just say so.

So would she be called anti-feminist?

I think it's more of a both sides behaved badly, so why do we assume only the guy did something wrong.

But the key seems to be we may have found something out about his personal life, so suddenly his work must be re-evaluated to portray him as a counter-revolutionary.

Completely agree, it just has nothing to do with feminism. I would say the same about a woman sleeping with a male employee.

So, if a woman was having sex with her male employees, what does that mean?

But this is all surface level, it doesn't discuss what Whedon has or has not done to further the cause of equality; it basically just says he cheated on his wife therefore he cannot be a feminist.

Well, we have had a few instances when Beth did listen to Jerry; for Morty Rick did have to bribe him with choosing every 10th adventure.

I think it was more Jerry was the only one Rick thought Beth would actually listen to when he tried to put his foot down.

Three pointers only killed Ghost Train.

Lied, got blackmailed by Morty, changed his mind… same difference.

I believe it was a coyote, and since its nourishment is Jerry's suffering, I'd think it would invite itself in.

Agreed, my favorite was his "friend" Taddy.

I think it was a big picture vs small picture issue.

One, I think it's a big leap to assume Rick C137 is the only Rick left. Lot of Rick's on the central finite curve, probably some escaped the Citadel and others who were never there in the first place. The Citadel itself isn't a threat, but that's different.


For me the problem here is that Rick needs a straight man on his adventures. When he's on his own it feels too easy. That and therapy went nowhere for the family until Rick finally comes in and actually gets some good advice.

All very good points, though I doubt anything short of genocide would actually disgust Bobby's lawyers. Lara's bribe wasn't sickening, it was just a lowball. For what Bobby pays, Lara may as well have been a waitress offering all her tips.

Wendy more suggested than asked, but even so she claimed she didn't do anything like that when Chuck admitted to kissing another woman. She lied and she felt so guilty she called Taylor immediately after exhorting them not to make the mistake of becoming dishonest.