
Good point, I meant those few who were left.

Been asking that since day 1.

"Some people choose to fight even if they can't win, I call them idiots. The smart ones buy their time and only fight when they know they can win."

People faced with imminent death can get pretty on board with fighting when they cannot win.

You make a good point, if you'd like to read a story more in line with this you might try Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

"Theories" you mean r-wing alt-facts?

To me that is the saddest part of this. Seeing Maddie go from a pragmatist trying to protect herself and her son to a bimbo cheerleading the alien overlords in cult commercials.

True, but for the most part she and Eliot were comic relief to distract from grimer and darker aspects of magic. World is falling apart, great time to get stoned, drunk and laid.

The worst part for me is they still acted like children when faced with grown up situations.


The first one might be a budget issue.

Being really good at being a tyrant will bring her likability down to near zero. People tend to have problems with strong women, tie in being a tyrant to that and all the death and cruelty that comes with it, audience will scream for her head.

I loved the Peter Pan storyline because, unlike most of the show, they made an excellent point.

Ok, I concede your point, still don't remember him actually doing anything all that impressive though.

Thanks for the reference, but please see my point below, Quentin really isn't the most reliable narrator on these issues.

That seems to be the issue, Quentin never saw him studying, which didn't mean he never studied.

Can you cite this passage?

Given the writers choices in what to keep and what to change from the books, I have to wonder where they see this heading.

Agreed, they have a tendency to make the weirdest changes (Julia saving Martin) and then moving things in very strange ways. Given Julia's current circumstances, I doubt Quentin will be leaving his office job in quite the same way for example.

How was Eliot brilliant in the book?