
Strange that she doesn't look as corpse-like as John Clare. I guess she was fresher when she was re-animated…

Something has to happen with Olly - there have been far too many scenes of him talking about his family being killed for it not to lead to something. I think he's going to stir up some trouble when the Wildlings arrive at the wall…

I really liked the Sansa scene. Mainly for her finding out about her brothers possibly being alive. It's been almost four seasons since (most of) the Starks were separated…

Yep, I'm sticking with that guy.

Shouldn't Mereen have no Harpy on top in the opening credits?

Good point - at least he is 'safer' in Dorne…


True, but I meant one of those ones where we get closeups of her eating like an animal.

The Nanaimo Bar reference made my night.

surprised we didn't get a Helena Eating scene…

The reveal does seem a bit out of the blue - but maybe that is the point. Stannis is a little bit screwed with being outnumbered and Winter Coming etc, so Melisandre is almost forcing his hand. If she had told him at The Wall, he would've had more time/options.

I know it's Game Of Thrones, but this episode was almost a bit too bleak for me…
Sansa is battered, bruised and broken - time to escape. Nope. Old lady flayed, betrayed by Reek. Back to your room.
Then we get some near-rape of Gilly and Sam brutally beaten, but hey, followed up with some awkward/sad Sam/Gilly sex…

I agree - seems like the only thing we didn't see this episode was Arya. I think it works better when we check in with 3 or 4 storylines/settings, rather than 6 or more…

and Game Of Thrones.
On second thoughts, the scorpions are probably embarrassed to be on the same set as the Sand Snakes…

Definitely agree about Vanessa - she is usually somewhere between hysterical and just plain confusing, but this really gave some depth to her character and some much needed backstory.

Yeah, after that speech it was kind of like 'sooo… was that a yes or no?'

Who fights with a whip? I mean, really…

Cersei also slept with Lancel (her cousin…)

This episode had some lolz between Roose & Ramsay's conversation about the pregnancy, Stannis' grammar snark and the Winterfell dinner theatre.

Yeah, it's a bit unclear. I think you're right - that Mark was basically defecting from Operation Castor - he just needed to get the DNA samples so he could run off with Gracie.
Maybe Rudy wasn't in on it at all - that might be more likely as it doesn't seem like they had been in contact.