
Yeah, it was just a cloth on top of his private bits.

I just don't buy Cindy's 'arc'. I don't think the writers earned that last scene. No, shoving in a flashback (as good as it was) is not good enough. There was nothing all season to indicate that this was anything more than a lark to get some kosher food and suddenly she's sincere? Weak.

So, we're supposed to believe that Piper spent all that time with
Stella, and never once asked how long she was in for? Like that's not
one of the most basic things you would ask someone new? It's the 'What
do you do for a living?' of prison…

If you like funk, soul and rap, check out New Agenda and Funky Big Band from janet.

True. Control has 6 major singles - and the other 3 tracks are fairly solid too…
And janet. basically had 9 singles. Not that a song being released as a single necessarily means it's great, but I think it shows there was a ton of great stuff on the album.

it's not one of the best r&b albums out there? beg to differ…

I mean, Bryan Fuller was basically daring them to cancel the show. There really was no attempt to appeal to a mainstream audience (which was great).

At first I thought Will was back in Maryland or wherever (Dr Lecter's *other* home), until I saw the castle, and the text saying 'Lithuania'

Hugh Dancy is looking fiiiiine…..

I thought it was strange though, that we didn't really get any hint of the population of King's Landing being so fundamental and pious. But all of a sudden when Cersei was naked, they were really concerned about her being a whore…

If Brienne keeps Stannis alive, perhaps they will try to kill the Boltons together?

Doran did seem a little *too* fair and reasonable in the scenes where Jamie & Bronn were forgiven etc… but, even in earlier scenes with just Ellaria around, he still seemed like the same level-headed guy.

that pussy line was completely in keeping with the Sand Snakes this season - that is, it was really cheesy and terrible.

have. must have.
- Stannis Baratheon, grammar nazi

Myrcella/Jamie was a really sweet moment… until she died…

I can't really see what you would do with his character if he was still alive?

At least we got a few extra hours of spring…?

Yeah, I figured Dothraki, and I guess they are there to support her.

nobody? you mean like the 50 other nobodies in the comments?

I'm going with A-
The pacing was a little off for me, but there were lots of great moments.