
It was a little unexpected twist - that Rudy and Mark were working together to get the Castor DNA sample. Not sure if/when they would've had a chance to make contact, and they probably played it out for longer than they needed to, but it was kind of fun I thought.

We need more Maryann the Maenad.

I think I am a lot more interested in what's going to happen with Rachel than in the other storylines. Is she going to be even colder and bitchier? Or is she going to a bit more sympathetic and human?

The scorpion was needed on the Game Of Thrones set.


-Definitely agree on Bronn - as soon as Jamie recruited him, I got the feeling that he won't be returning to his bride.

'Are you ashamed of me father?'
*incredibly long pause*
*tells story*
didn't quite answer her question though…

Uncle Bae… lolz

I think it's named after Khal Drogo, and the other two are named after her brother(s?)…

I'd argue Jon was always the most boring story arc. Now it's slightly tolerable.

I took Drogon's reappearance to mean that (somehow) it knew that Dany is becoming a badass bitch, so they can totally hang out sometime… later…

The strategically shot nude scenes with Daario and Loras were almost distractingly so.

Re: 3. I definitely thought Grey Worm had been recast until I saw the real one.

He's not the most talkative chap, our Jon Snow

Stannis is kind of old, but hot…