
Hillary bleached 33,000 emails after being told to preserve them. No one else ever sent classified documents over their own server. No one! I couldn't defend Hillary either. Lmao!!!!!!

Bush retired in 2008. Avoiding what? Hillary's running for president not bush. You liberals are beyond reason. Lmao!!!!

Let's blame and punish successful people and reward lazy dumbass liberals. Nice;)

Under Obama twice as much debt as all the other presidents put together! You obviously learned how to apologize for Obama watching him apologize. It's on his watch! He owns it period case closed. No more crying please!!!!!!!!

Whose paying off that extra 10 trillion that Obama spent? Don't answer. You don't have one.

Kate- we know! Obama isn't responsible for the last 7 1/2 years, bush is and Hillary intentionally bleaching her emails after being told to save them is bush's fault too.

Kate- There's no hope! You really are brain damaged! You liberals always fall back and blame republicans.

Really? We didn't bleach 33,000 emails. Ruh roh!!!!

That's right sweet cheeks;)). You know what I mean:-)

Alt- right? Too much MSNBC. Priceless!!!

You liberals are vastly more pseudo intellectual. I admit it;))

But what else can a pseudo intellectual liberal do with their liberal propaganda? How about the tin foil hat in the corner one? Priceless!

According to a liberal folks. Nuff said;)

You liberals are tongue tied. Priceless!!!!!

No. answering a REAL question! You democrats are tongue tied…….

Don't think! You liberals don't get to decide!

Again. Liberals are the only ones that can decide what's humor. I'll run it past you hypocrites next time!

No but thanks for sticking your nose up my colon;-))))))))

Or give a single real news conference answering real questions like trumps done countless times. I'll wait for your response but won't hold my breath. Lmao!!!!!

Liberals can dish it out but…..