How about Obama as buckwheat?
How about Obama as buckwheat?
Hillary loves going on Ellen, Fallon and maddow. The softball questions are a liberals wet dream. A real news conference with real questions would send her into one of her well publicized seizures. Next we'll see her on George poopurpants on abc. He'll ask her a hard question like "if you were a tree, what kind would…
Ok, so he's a racist. But that doesn't take away the fact that Obama is the greatest race baiter, class divider, redistributor, totally incompetent in world affairs, totally disengaged and an ideologue of the highest degree. But in his defense, he's an amazing campaigner:)
As a typical hypocrite liberal, no one is stopping you from turning over your home and assets as reparations to the people you think we've wronged. But I'm not holding my breath! You and your socialist brethren only want others. Your hero Michael Moore had to list his assets today in his divorce. 50 million dollars…
Not Christian and don't own a gun and not going anywhere:) I'm entitled to my opinion no matter how un PC you find it. You libs want to shut up anyone who disagrees with you. I don't agree on your getting free entitlements from my hard work. I don't want gay marriage and the voters agree with me only to be overided by…
Said the "intellectual" while reading the democratic play book while watching the rev sharpton on msnbc. Lmao!!!!!! Anyone who disagrees with a lib is racist or dumb or a necon. The projection going on with you libs is one for case studies for generations to come. Just watch the rug muncher maddow, the lisping…
I never mentioned"level" playing field! That's a dem code word for affirmative action. Today in the U.S. That is a fallacious argument. Enough of putting someone to the head of the line who isn't the most qualified for the job period. That's why government doesn't work ! Non qualified workers get promoted who are not…
My point is it's still the same! The democrats are keeping the blacks down through entitlements, welfare and food stamps. They encourage mediocrity through affirmative action. Because the forms don't believe blacks can do it on their own ability, so they NEED an advantage over whites. As a republican, I firmly…
If the shoe fits:))))
Uh, no you don't!!!! Both sides of my family came to the U.S.A. In the 1600s. They fought in the revolutionary war so your uninformed ass could have the opportunity to enjoy their labors
Then you'd be on board to end ????????????? Didn't think so. Jessie Jackson, al sharpton and all the dems encourage it!!!!!! Be honest. They want more of out money redistributed for free cradle to grave care. It's in their platform. Free handouts and entitlements!!!!! If I'm wrong have them do away with all of…
The republicans, Lincoln, fought to free the slaves. 300,000 lives were lost from the north!!!!!! Your Jessie Jackson, sharp ton and Obama are race baiters and dividers. They don't think blacks can succeed on their own but need to be put in front of the line or given other advantages. They are the REAL racists!!!!!…
You forgot the neocon conspiracy. LOL. You didn't even see the movie. Look at rotten tomatoes. 11% of the critics liked it vs 91% of the moviegoers. Your msnbc propaganda has you brainwashed and all you can parrot are Democratic Party talking points. Pathetic
That the movie could suck ass could be true but it's not. It's awesome. That I misspelled byrd' name is true, but that he contributed to the hatred of blacks is true! Another lib apology for your peeps. Bear with me, Yes there were confederates that died in the civil war but they fought FOR slavery, bear with me, not…
Blame America first! We should just turn over all of our country to the slaves and American Indians LOL. If that's the case the whole world needs to turn over all assets to Neanderthal aka liberals. Wait Obama IS trying to put this plan into effect. Never mind
Why should poor peoplz work??? They have Obama, Reid and palosi stealing from us who work hard and redistribute our labor to the peoplz. But you know that. Lord have mercy
300,000 Americans died in the civil war to free the slaves. Republican not democrats. The libs totally wiped that out of the history books!!!! It was the democrats like Bird and Wallace that were the biggest racists both democrats!!!! Oops the dems will try and erase my post or sic the IRS on me. You libs and your ilk…
One person said that?????? Wow! One person told me if you don't bow to Obama you should be imprisoned. Great representative sample. Typical liberal elementary school proof of your bias, prejudice and real racism!