
I've long dreamed of a remake of Yojimbo that's basically just a post Ep. 3 broken-down Obi-Wan wandering around Tatooine fighting Hutt gangsters

That middle one is totally Farmer Thanos, right?

But does the main character dramatically eat a potato chip?!?

The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder. Dishwashers washed tedious dishes for you, thus saving you the bother of washing them yourself, video recorders watched tedious television for you, thus saving you the bother of looking at it yourself; Electric Monks believed things

Now I'm imagining Toni Erdmann but with Darth Vader and Princess Leia

I'm still trying to figure out why all these movies about transforming cars haven't had a single memorable car chase scene

A group of a dozen or so evil Harrison Wells' from different Earths teaming up to conquer the multiverse

Maybe they can just put out another trailer like that badass original one with the Conan score

Fuck you broccoli is delicious

Meanwhile Hideo Kojima sits by his phone. Waiting. Hoping.

I enjoyed Takashi Miike's adaptation of Ace Attorney

Please don't do a new adaptation of "And All Through the House", I can't afford the therapy bills

This is the correct answer, always and forever. I still have nightmares from seeing it in a theater

He'll always be the invisible weirdo from Misfits to me

This will take place during Christmas, right? Odds on a Predator brutally murdering Santa in front of the kid?

Look on the bright side, at least it's not David Goyer?

To be fair, I think their submission was Age of Shadows, which was pretty awesome.

What was the boys' version of this stuff on notebooks and folders and trapper keepers, with all the sports imagery with people's faces getting blown off their skulls or whatever because it's so X-TREME? No Rules or No Fear or something like that?

Damn, I was hoping it was Jack Bauer's bottomless backpack

Great, now my dad will have something else to constantly play on repeat aside from Open Range