Everyday a Defenestration

Ultron is a completely independent Artificial Intelligence / life form. Sentinels are robots given directives. Ultron basically says "Y'know what would be great? If y'all died" and gets to the killing. He builds other robots (Vision, new bodies for himself), and isn't working usually toward a grand scheme other than

No. None of these.

The first Batman v. Superman trailer should really end with Bruce pulling part of the costume out of his crack.

Give it a little time to grow on you. I agree with this week's, it was tough going. Neither side seemed.. particularly worried, nor were the stakes particularly interesting or downsides pronounced (verbally or metaphorically).

Yoda, But This Time He's a Dog would never be put out.

Never apologize for mentioning the Bugle. Would John? Andy? Chris? Fuck you, Chris, stop laughing.

Who knew that Iron Man made Blade into a vampire before he had to outrun Colonel Chester Phillips during World War II?

The Internet
"What a weird thing to say while shitting on my dick."

Fan? FAN?! What the fuck, how insulting.

As did I. I was really worried the show was just about to truly fall into stupidity, cheesy-ass "THE CURBSTOMP WAS JUST A SETBACK!" territory. I was just about to groan when he exploded into a million pieces. And then I started cackling like a fucking madman.

Yes. However, it sort of got a little too real when she sniffed at it in the box and seemed to debate eating it.

"They told me not to eat out of the ashtray, but I needed to find a different voice."

Let's just take out the vowels.

Do my burgers have face paint on them?


So if we all take turns ripping the heart out of Jared S. Gilmore, we can reply? I don't see the problem here. It couldn't effect his delivery.

It's done that - a few times. The season finales have almost always been written to also serve as a series finale as well. The problem with "wrap up all the stories" is that Community is a perpetual story machine - you write a season of wrap-up and there's going to be more opened up during that final season that would

I think criticizing Hodgman for running "very long" on his podcast is like chastising a car for "using fuel," it's up to the driver. It's his.. podcast, half the humor is in how verbose he can be. The result is that when he gives a quick, definitive, concise opinion, it completely throws the listener, because it

While the Internet is frequently home to those who go over the top (not like that, @BonerTime), if you go to a place that the most-liked post is incredibly over the top (seriously, not like that), it's probably sarcastic.

How do they work?