Everyday a Defenestration


Hey, have YOU spent two days on an automated garbage island? HUH? Jared wasn't crazed, he was exhausted. He wasn't broken, just… bent. I'd give anything to get off this island. It's been two years. Every day.. my lucky seagull comes by. He lands so gracefully. I thought I'd give him a fitting name. Something I could

Thank god someone else pointed this out. I thought my whole life had become a lie suddenly. Jeff Bridges is an American institution. Jeff Daniels is.. uh. He's alright. He's got some wit. But the two aren't on the same planet, let alone scale.

So what you're saying is that it'll be cheaper, better for the environment, probably (hopefully) better for animals, potentially more nutritious (please note: research on fat from the 1950s is not the research being done today)?

In other news, stupid people who think a sticker can alter your molecular health are fucking dumb. Bill Gates is literally spending a fortune trying to get rub-on vaccinations to work via epidermal absorption. But some dumbfuck out to make a buck has figured out how to do all of that with a fucking sticker.

I think we have exact opposite impressions.

Thanks for a really silly article criticizing a movie that was not made. It is truly an injustice against good taste?

You keep saying that without providing examples of said critics.

I've read no critical analysis that wants to harken back to the days of Adam West (rest his soul)-style campiness. None. I don't think critics (and, I would estimate fans) want a Man of Steel tone or BvS tone of "well, the movie's over. I guess I should go kill myself." Those are dour, depressing movies that once

Poor baby.

This just in, students think teachers are assholes. Because they don't have the gift of actually being adults yet and experiencing the nature of dealing with fucking asshole students. My dad's been a teacher for 34 years. The sheer stupidity of people who think they should have responsibilities besides attending and

Todd, shut the fuck up. The world knows your movie is never coming out, it's time for you to accept it.

I'd take pleasure in guttin' you! Boy!

This time it at least seems dignified.

Who the hell is Kylie Jenner. For twenty years, if you said "Kylie," you didn't need a last name to know it was Minogue.

If Spicer had an ounce of humility, he would replace the existing lectern—for one goddamn briefing—with a fake one, and when asked a question, he'd pick it up and walk forward a few steps, then put it back down. Want to deflate a great sketch? Make it briefly real. Acknowledge the hostility.

Fuck Voyager, that was a garbage fire in televised format.

Man not in multi-billion dollar cinematic universe would like to be involved in multi-billion dollar cinematic universe. World chimes in, "no shit, us too."

I think the larger concern is that Reddit holds itself as some kind of bastion of understanding, where all people can come with their own views and have a place. The problem with this place wasn't that they were hate-mongers, it was disclosing others' personal contact information.

I will never understand.