
"No, it's cool, I can vandalize whatever I want as long as I pretend it'll make the world a safer place. Lena Dunham said so."

This show is amazing. Loved every episode. Really loved that I watched the series before reading these…I guess you'd call them reviews? Kinda comes off more like a jaded screenwriter teacher grading her students. Either way this reviewer doesn't seem like a very fun person to watch TV with. Even if it rehashes

clearly you don't know what the phrase "one of the" means (it means one of several)…

Love the top five. Wish Zoolander was better than 40, but it's here and that's great. Not that anyone cares, but some personal faves of mine released since 2000 that I would've loved to see on here:

Ghostbusters 2 was under-appreciated - a very funny movie and unfairly judged by having to live up to one of the greatest most original action comedies of all time. That is all. (Will be seeing this.)

While I agree with a whole lot of points in this discussion, if you're going to go after a clear lack of morality, judgement, and integrity with regards to journalism, maybe don't use the word "jizz" in the headline…comes off more hypocritical than it does satirical

not sure what's worse - that those types of objectifying articles exist, or that people regard those who write puff pieces for bs pop culture magazines "journalists"

I'm also wondering how/if Jon will find out the truth of his lineage…(in the books as well as the show)…will Bran travel south of the wall and tell him? Or will he visit him in a vision, or warg out and have someone nearby explain the truth? I wonder if Howland Reed knows the truth and tries to tell him…

Are those stars awarded? I thought they were something purchased for 10K a year…

"he can't make alliances with people that want to rule all of Westeros"

"He had no way of knowing that she was even alive when he left."

"While I regret that we’ll never see Varys’ journey from Meereen to Dorne and back…"

but in the books when they met, she was still looking for Sansa. At this point, she'll have not only found Sansa but put her in the position that helped her retake Winterfell from Ramsay (reuniting her with Jon)…no amount of having jaime's sword can keep lady stoneheart from realizing she's no traitor

It could just be me overthinking it, or just really wanting it to be true, but did anyone else think Shaggydog's severed head looked way too small for a fully-grown Direwolf? I did. I think he's still out there somewhere. Also how awesome would it be if Brienne ran into Lady Stoneheart?! Can't wait for sunday!!

and wide shots that sell scale on a level that seemed impossible in early seasons (even if there are still some dodgy moments here and there)

Jeff, Jeff, you're…ah…you're talking too slow. Whatever you need to…ah…say…ah…spit it out. Must go faster…must go faster…

thanks for the love, Les! Glad you enjoyed!

god have mercy on whoever's unlucky enough to watch tv with oliver sava

"Would it have been too much of a stretch for Wally to have come into the series as a fan of the Flash to begin with? Ya' know, so there'd be something to draw him into the rest of the show's plotlines?"

while it's caught up nearly everywhere else, the show hasn't caught up to arya and bran's stories yet, right?