

the past, I dunno, 4 or 5 episodes of supergirl have been incredible…I was on the verge of giving up entire, but it's like a whole new team came in and said "alright enough screwing around there's a good show here let's write it and have some fun"…there were a couple times where I legitimately felt like I was watching

Didn't love the CW reference, a little too meta. …and that is literally the only thing I could think of that legit bugged me. Sure, more of Kara and Barry is preferable to unnecessary villain exposition, but those scenes still moved the plot forward. What an amazing episode! The chemistry grant gustin has with

you got us

I'm so lost right now…I'm one of the few who legitimately loved Man of Steel (all things Pa Kent aside), and defended it and this movie like crazy. For YEARS. I was willing to look past Supes "misgivings" because he was supposed to still be figuring it all out. But this film takes place 2 years later. WTF man.

henrietta's body was disposed of at the captain's request because she was one of the people he killed while possessed by jack the ripper…so she's off the table, as it were

the shtick of destiny

no I'm sure he's coming up with an argument for why Wilkes not dying is horribly racist

Maybe TV just isn't Oliver's thing? He clearly doesn't understand what he's watching when he's watching it. Books, maybe?

It wouldn't be AV Club if they didn't irrationally hate on things for the sake of keeping up appearances

Chris Carter is now to The X-Files what George Lucas is to Star Wars. You had a very cool idea that other people helped make really good…and for the love of god stop writing

"Just 'cause it has "news" in the title doesn't mean it's anything substantial."

ok fanboy

you literally just described age of ultron…except age of ultron ALSO featured tony stark cracking jokes while thousands of people were dying around him

this article is featured on the "newswire" section of AV Club, but I don't blame you for missing that…you did think a home alone reference would be clever, after all

wow, years worth of films compared to…1. You're also probably one of the people who doesn't realize MoS did better at the box office than most Marvel solo films, thinking the only "fair" comparison is The Avengers, a massive team-up film…

"There's too many characters in it! How could they possibly fit all the storylines in one movie?"

Only 15 minutes longer than Civil War's running time. Where's the outcry? Oh, right, you guys are biased, I forgot.

**EDIT: It was the air logo we got close to, not the water one. Damn. Though that water logo is a tough one to turn into a carving. Still, damn.**

The biggest disappointment of the episode for me had to be that despite all of the water symbol variety, they couldn’t have a great inside joke and put amongst them the Water Tribe symbol from Avatar: The Last Airbender.