
I wrote the episode, but I see what you're saying. There were a few reasons we ended it the way we did, mostly because it was a cool, NEW way to let the victim defend herself…can't really think of many creatures that would've been able to fit another creature's head in their mouth without being relatively large.

well, when we were writing the episode, we wanted to let the victim be the hero…how's that

"And then an episode like “The Seven Year Itch” decides to end a dramatic fight scene with a hippopotamus wesen biting the head off a cicada wesen. It’s one of the goofiest and most anticlimactic moments I’ve ever seen on the series, one that definitely works in the moment for absurdity and shock value but one that

very good point…all the more reason to use everything else in an actor's arsenal to help convey a "superman"-esque presence…one thing reeves, routh, cavill, and especially tim daly in the animated series/JLA had in common was that deep, confident, reassuring voice…little things like that add up to help overcome things

I was wondering what it was about this show's Superman that seemed a little off, and it's the voice. There's no presence or aura to it. It's kinda soft and gentle, and since he's already not a very tall actor, it only adds to him coming off as just some super-powered guy in Superman's suit, instead of coming off as

Timberlake himself is a stunner, whether he’s smoothly pirouetting his way through “Suit & Tie” or he’s choking back tears during his stirring set closer “Mirrors.”

100%. Hell the first half of the pilot is just people talking about how things are instead of showing anything. "Show, don't tell."

"A lot has been said in the comments about the “world-building” of the non-essential dialogue. I haven’t thought of this as “world-building” because there isn’t a world to be built here. Harlem is a real place full of real black people having real black-ass conversations like the ones on screen."

Actors are amazing, but man it was hard to stay awake during this pilot…for a comic book pilot to go a full 30 minutes without a single action scene taking place is kinda…boring. I mean, it's LUKE CAGE! I never thought I'd say Luke Cage and boring in the same comment…


"Full disclosure: the premise of Son of Zorn–in which a fully-animated character of the He-Man template attempts to reconnect with his live-action wife and son–didn’t really hook me. The involvement of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller didn’t excite me either: I deeply respect them for their work and commitment, but

yeah, sadly it's turning more into "film professors grading assignments" than it is "reviewing"

in all fairness, that was like 4 or 5 regimes ago…

and yet, here you are…

Does she at least do this for all comic book movies? Because many of these points apply to all. Unless, of course, you only care when she says this about DC movies…

olympic athletes, increased metabolism, common sense…come on katie, that slow of a news day?

you should work here

not at all what I said…but they haven't been movies about street racing since, like, the 4th one

well, that's not what I said at all

"…making a movie where guys insult each other before getting in their shiny dick-cars to see whose dick-car is the fastest."