
she went back out the next night, having still not taken care of said threat, with her sister ENCOURAGING her to do so…quite heroic

She went on a date with known threats terrorizing national city (ON TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS). In what way was this a good episode, and not an hour-long eye-rolling cliche that set female heroes back a few years? I mean, would anyone expect the main character to choose "cute boys" over "saving the city" on Agent Carter

I still don't think Waller's dead.

"that proves once and for all that the writers really do know what they’re doing, and that they really haven’t just been jerking us around for the past seven hours"

"…and the upcoming Suicide Squad movie has now claimed its second recurring character, with Amanda Waller now joining Deadshot in a premature, movie-mandated grave."

I feel exactly the same way. I thought it was an incredible way to link the flashbacks together and inform more of Ollie's end of things on the island, something that's been sorely lacking in the flashbacks for a while…

"David Ramsay and Eugene Byrd build up a nice fraternal chemistry here as their relationship gradually thaws"

one of the aspects that makes The Expanse such an incredible pilot, and series

You must've asbolutely loathed the original series if you gave this a C+

It's funny how a show that spent so much time for 2 other shows setting itself up forgot to give a backdoor pilot to its main character. So even with all that legwork on flash and arrow, they still had to spent a majority of the episode setting up rip hunter…

Me thinks the author needs to do some research regarding Oscar nominees and winners in recent years, and must get over the fact a movie he liked wasn't nominated enough…

this review reads like a film professor grading a student's project…come on, man

every single point and the absence of the only other alien superhero in the universe are very much not the same thing

A lot like boba fett in the original trilogy…

every single point

Their respective formats are basically the same - comedian goes to the streets to interact with a variety of differing real-world scenarios, hilarity ensues, comedian recaps his experience, discusses what he learned, moves on to the next one… Main difference is one show simply reviews the business/experience while

You're the Worst is the 5th best tv show of 2015. Right. Steven Universe is on this list, but no Gravity Falls or even Star Wars: Rebels. Sure. Review and Nathan for You are ostensibly the same show, but instead of choosing one or the other, you decide to waste 2 of 40 spots. Also notably absent: Agent Carter

Then at least have someone say something. Anything. Even just wondering aloud.

Can they at least give a bullshit excuse for why Superman's not needed in certain extreme situations? A freaking squadron of Kryptonians invade a place of business, and nothing. Not even a throwaway line. Stop insulting your audience.

Bring it on - can't fucking wait!