
next year moviegoers are only going to see the work of one visionary filmmaker at their local multiplex, and that’s Zach Snyder.

thank god for the martian manhunter reveal, because outside of that this was a very, very bad episode…are they just not even acknowledging the existence of police, emts, and other emergency workers in national city? when there's an earthquake, without supergirl, everyone's just that totally screwed and without hope?

the phantom tollbooth was my earliest exposure to science fiction/fantasy, and I've never looked back…and the movie was just as enjoyable as the book

good call…he should just clone monroe to hang out at hospitals to guard people and rip arms off when necessary

good catch

I mean, it's a hospital. You're supposed to be able to trust a hospital.

Of course it was a budget issue! You don't think we would've put all 60 minutes into the rat king if we could afford to? Come on, man…

I absolutely believe they knew what they were doing…

Dude. Good call.

stop using specific examples of our actual history as a means of criticizing a show that's set in the past of an ALTERNATE. REALITY.

First he says Jessica Jones is a show about white supremacy. Now he gives this episode a C+.

So, why is Oliver Sava trying to start a race war again? And why did he choose a show like Jessica Jones, of all shows, as his platform?

It's the kind of shit writing a film student would fail a class for

Nice :)

but those are examples of superman raging out in the context of being superman, not Clark Kent blowing up at Perry White over something at work…Kara's questioning came after a conversation she had with Cat about keeping her anger in check for appearances sake since she was a woman and women "can't get angry at work"

Are we still in a world where a man (no matter how powerful) can THROW A CHAIR OUT A TOP-FLOOR WINDOW OF A SKYSCRAPER with zero repurcussions? Or was that supposed to be a story from a long, long time ago?

- If we graded shows based on their worst line, this episode would get an F for, “I liked school. Learning all about this new planet… that I’m also from.”
- "You’ve spent more time in the friend zone than the Phantom Zone."
…you posted those lines of dialogue incorrectly…fixed it for you.

True, I incorrectly assumed Krypton, though Fort Rozz holds all kinds of aliens, not just Kryptonian

didn't they cover that with the Kyptonian 'female' she fought at the beginning of the livewire episode?

especially in those sex scenes with luke cage…she's literally giving it all she's got (which she'd been sexually suppressing her entire life until now) with luke fucking cage…I mean, if ever a character would scream "FUCK" at the top of their lungs…