…Darth Steve
…Darth Steve
I saw it, too, and that's the way I felt about it. Once it was over, I had a hard time remembering anything about it.
His super umbrella is apparently just out of frame above him since the rain is falling behind him and in front of him, but is not disturbing the puddles directly around him.
My question is: If Chandler could have performed the exorcism, why did he wait so long to do it?
I thought the voice over worked because it allowed the audience to know that someone (and it would have to be Lipton) really understands what all the men are going through. He is telling the story to himself as much as to us— trying to make some sense of it all. And it weighs heavy on him.
I'm afraid that I don't understand how waiting for the answer for so long makes the answers any more poignant or important, especially considering some of the answers are back ground or everyday things that aren't poignant.
I know Shoah is a masterpiece and important, but I hope this film is better edited. There were parts of Shoah that drove me mad— interviewer asks a question, translator asks the question, subject answers the question, translator answers the question. It was really distracting and slowed the film to absolute crawl.
When it's game time, it's pain time. Woo!
"I'm sure some of those who voted for Enlightened did so to be a little contrarian."
What the hell kind of convoluted bracket system are you guys using?
Not only is it one list, it's one that I didn't really even care to read this year..
The danger of reflecting the here and now is that it won't hold the same dramatic appeal at a later date.
One or even multiple person's ability/inability to use the site, does not constitute enough evidence to say that the site design works or doesn't.
The web design was configured to be easier to use on touch screens and mobile phones. However, a lot of people still use the ancient technology of computer and mouse (or laptop and touchpad). For a computer, this web design simply does not work.
But as a Brit, she is fueled by alcohol.
cyborgs can't do that with their eyebrows.
I thought the drama aspect of it was much better handled than the mystery. In fact, I believe the show would have been much better if it had been more focused on themes and plots involving the community rather than focusing on the investigation so much.
Autoplay= evil
I think a lot of people get angry over what they consider to be the wasted potential of so many great talents (and a sense that it might be a bit over-hyped)