jilly boal

oh oh thats better - I'm nabbing that.

see y'all at Kinja - my new name will be Stupe.

oh dayam…

*golf clap*

anyone else think that Linder Sterling would make a more interesting subject for a movie, instead of a pre-Smiths copyright-neutered Stephen Morrissey?

it's actually Lady Sybil!

psst: there's two "s" in "yass". Don't make my mistake.

…would have been NINE Olympic gold medals if his idiot relay teammate hadn't got himself disqualified grumblegrumble…

I'm glad someone else mentioned that, thought I was the only one… What exactly is his accent supposed to be? And why don't the rest of the cast (or the Belfast crew) laugh and point at him until he gets it right?

"hey LAAAA-DEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

"hey LAAAA-DEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

can't you imagine Jerry, at home watching tv on Oscar night, screaming at Roberto Benigni for stealing his schtick AND his movie AND his Oscar?

can't you imagine Jerry, at home watching tv on Oscar night, screaming at Roberto Benigni for stealing his schtick AND his movie AND his Oscar?

you're like, Fabio or something.
*swoons again*

hadn't heard that, but my first thought was of Glenn Close dubbing Andi McDowell for Greystoke and I wondered…

such a romantic… *swoons*

I just came here to react to the headline:
*mimes golf swing*

don't you remember the title track of "Songs for Swinging Lovers" when Frank croons "I'm gonna say two words: shut the fuck up"
Yeah, I have no idea what he's talking about either.


also highly recommended: all of his dvd director commentaries. They've all very smart, insightful and very very funny. It's like a really good hang. And he says something remarkably smart in every one. For example: on Contagion, he noted that he set himself the task to avoid the cliche of using news footage to give