I assumed that was because her live vocal performance was so weak. I guess she can either speak or kick-ass but not both in the same scene, so he compromised.
I assumed that was because her live vocal performance was so weak. I guess she can either speak or kick-ass but not both in the same scene, so he compromised.
listen to all of his - they're all excellent. Very funny and very insightful. It's like hanging with a really cool friend who knows his shit.
yes you do - and then go get the awesome soundtrack.
two out of three are excellent, so…
Totally agree - difficult to imagine another "based on a true story" star vehicle having that much subtlety, wit and intelligence. Its a crowd pleaser that never plays to the crowd.
we should sing a song for him. Call Sting.
was your heart going like mad?
what a tease…
best bit: discovering that the "booooooINNNNNG" sound at the start of the title fanfare is played on a lap steel guitar!
i thought it was the David Mamet Effect.
bout as shawp as a pound a wet livah….
saw it performed with a live orchestra. Just fantastic
stupid. Not weird, just stupid. Really, that answers a lot of questions.
actually, that WAS satisfying… my favourite was when Emily Blunt just shot him in the head.
"the sight of Seth MacFarlane getting slammed in the face"
the making-of doc on the dvd certainly hints at something like that but I didn't know it was that bad. Still love that movie, though.
that DOES sound surprising…
*raises hand*
But I HATE the term champagne-socialism. I consider myself a socialist but why can't I enjoy champagne?
if you mean a freeze-frame of Coogan watching a carload of terrorists driving toward him in the desert, then yes. Really, what where they thinking? Didn't think this show would need a Spoiler Space, but it really does
that's the second time O'Neal has mentioned "frat bro’s balls" in these 1997 stories - Sean, is there something that you need to share with the group?