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    "Yankee rednecks flying the Rebel flag from their houses".

    I honestly don't see what the big deal is. I'm a registered Democrat, who was always interested in films and/or TV series that focus on historical "what if" scenarios. One of my favorite underrated films is "Fatherland", where Rutger Hauer stars as a Nazi officer in the 1960s after Germany won the war and Hitler is

    You had me at "Noomi Rapace". One of her is good, two is better. Seven? yeah. <3

    I <3 the original Animated Series Harley. Made me fall in love with her character way back in the 90s.

    Too cheesy for me. Stunk more that I found myself fighting AGAINST my favorite characters like Cammy and Chun-Li more than I was fighting with them.

    So this person would defend the SW prequels while in the same sentence blast Prometheus? You've gotta be kidding. I enjoyed Prometheus so much that I bought the Blu Ray for my home library - the ONLY Alien movie that is part of it mind you.

    Most of it is downright haunting, but the one that got me was "Celestial Being Music". Under normal circumstances, it sounds very cheery and playful. But if you've seen the movie, you know what scene it pertains to; and then it hits you.

    In all fairness, the book obviously covers far more of the story than the film could ever hope to achieve. You can't blame Studio Ghibli for essentially condensing "Marnie" down to your typical feature length film; especially animated. Even the ending of the story, of which I won't get into, has its share of subtle

    I read the book, and I'm pretty sure Anna referred to her foster mother as "Auntie" in that.

    I saw Marnie twice in theaters. Cried the first time, but not so much the second time (I had also read the novel by then). Kaguya was a different story. I don't think I could get through that final scene without the waterworks. Maybe if I put my TV on MUTE it would help. That music itself just gets me; knowing

    I'm a Ghibli fanatic, but there have been full length Japanese animated features outside of the Ghibli brand that are among my favorites. Steamboy is one. Metropolis is another. Summer Wars and Wolf Children are also good.

    Even "Kiki's Delivery Service" featured a more European setting.

    As a Ghibli fanatic, I saw "Yamadas" and wasn't nearly as thrilled about it as others have been. It was too silly for my taste. I did appreciate Takahata's other underrated movie that came out a few years before, "Only Yesterday".

    I'm just waiting for this movie to come out on video already; since I've seen it twice in theaters (both in Japanese with subtitles). A perfect addition to my Studio Ghibli collection, indeed.

    To each there own. I get incredibly bored and emotionally unattached whenever I see the typical overly hyped and overrated Disney flick.

    Eiko looked better in it anyway.

    But who is the common enemy? After Anakin disposed of Count Dooku and Sidious disposed of Savage Opress, Ventress really had no one left to hold a grudge against. Didn't she join with the bounty hunters for a brief time?

    R2 would've torn Chopper into pieces if it threatened to be pushed out like that.

    I don't really see Ventress as the real do-gooder type; despite how she helped Ahsoka in the final episode of the main TCW series. She was always seemed to have a vendetta against anyone she came in contact with. If I remember, she only helped Ahsoka out because she knew how it felt to be turned against by her peers.

    I didn't know spaceships were the theme of this article.