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    That clip of Squall and Rinoa from FFVIII is difficult to watch. Why wouldn't they include the "Eyes on me" dancing sequence CGI instead?

    Maybe it's just me, but I really don't find any connection with Zeb. No offense to those who like the character, but from what I've seen so far he's pretty expendable.

    I forgot about the kid Lux.

    It had far more than that. Opress strangling the king of Toydaria to death. Satine's death. Even a youngling dies in the episode when they meet Chewbacca on the "hunt" episode.

    It really doesn't seem like they're killing alot of people; at least none of significant importance. The thing about the CW series was that it had a much darker tone; you get character build up across multiple episodes, and then in a flash that character is killed.

    To be frank, I'm really watching this new "Rebels" series with the anticipation that at the very least they'll have some official closure with regard to Ahsoka. The cancellation of the CW series left a bad taste in my mouth.

    Honestly, the "Old Masters" episode was the first memorable one of the new series to date, IMO. Not to give anything away, but I was glad that it did have a connection to the Clone Wars series. I know it's wishful thinking, but it still would be cool if they could work Ahsoka Tano into a story.

    Well along those lines, I didn't really think the final 13 episodes were terrible. Obviously the complete story of the clones needed to be told. That "Order 66" in Episode III only gave a hint to what their main purpose was. Now at least you can watch Episode I -> Episode II -> Clone Wars (movie and series) ->

    The bottom line is that they introduced her character early on WITH A PURPOSE. She wasn't just supposed to be some backstory that came and went before the series really took off. She was Anakin's Padowan. Before the series (and the movie) ever came to fruition, who would've ever thought he had one? Obviously

    Over the past week I watched Season Six of the Clone wars on Netflix. Let me be among the first to say I was kind of disappointed. The short 13-episode compilation didn't really give any significant closure to the series; all it gave was the backstory of why and how Yoda winds up on Dagobah. WHAT HAPPENED TO