
And yet removing the curse words magically makes the movies moral and worth watching. Pretty complex morality ya got there, bud.

So in other words, you would like to live in a society where everything is aimed at the intellect and maturity level of small children. I am finally beginning to understand why so many of you voted for the current president.

If you would simply learn the difference between the letters "R" and "G" your children needn't suffer so and no one would have to see his work altered by others. And your children might even learn a valuable lesson about not being able to do everything they want right away.

God, I dearly want to read your list of the best movies and TV shows ever made.

I thought for a moment POS was meant to be a tamer version of "piece of shit," but then realized you probably don't know how to spell it out.

I agree, hating Democrats for believing in different things from you is something that should be stopped.

No, you don't agree. You're talking about entirely different things. Bizarro says, "You don't like ice cream, don't feed your kids ice cream." You're saying, "If I don't like ice cream, I will demand that Ben and Jerry switch to making gelatin."

They thought he said, "I grab 'em by the piety."

To be fair, it's only the ones who don't have any talent. No one exactly was clamoring for the comeback of Sonny Bono or Congressman Gopher.

Why would you want your family to get ANY story from someone you considered immoral and degenerate? Does Judd Apatow suddenly become someone you want entertaining your children once you cut out what you find offensive?

Wait, I thought the elitists were the ones who used high-falutin big words you can't understand and spoke in full sentences of over 140-characters. Now it's the ones who use four-letter-words? Color me confused!

It's a conspiracy. Like when Atlas Shrugged and that bizarre Michael Moore parody staring Kelsey Grammer and Chris Farley's less-talented brother tanked. It was a conspiracy. (Amazingly, all of that Invisible-Hand-of-the-Market nonsense goes out the window whenever a right-winger proves to be an utter failure at

Wow, there are suddenly a whole lot of people commenting about how ineffective John Oliver is and how unimportant he is to them.

Really?!? You don't say!


Hal Holbrook is starring in this? That's awesome. I hope he goes full-on Mark Twain, though he is a bit old to have such a young son.

I have never seen an escape hatch in the ceiling in any modern elevator I have ridden in, and as a claustrophobe, believe me, I've looked. I bet you haven't, though.

So I am sure no one is actually reading this, but I only have just started watching this series and responded to someone on another page that really belongs here, so here's a reworked version of what I said elsewhere.

I know this is a year out and you are perfectly justified in not reading this or responding, but I only just watched this last night (courtesy of Hulu). As a not-beautiful gay man who looks a lot more like Henry than Daniel now and who was much more like Frank than Aiden back in the day, who is single and often