
It is not a felony, so saying "illegal" is perhaps not the best word, but it is certainly a civil matter that at the very least would allow the companies in question to terminate your service and at worst could end in lawsuit, if they cared enough to do so.

One day you're going to look in a mirror and ask yourself just WHY exactly you were so upset by this equivocal statement, but thankfully I won't be around. Because you're a loon. And I'm blocking you.

I really don't think it's necessary to do basic math for you that 10 female writers over 12 years season is ridiculously disproportionate, especially since you seem to have a really aggro bone to pick about any assertion that the way women are depicted in Doctor Who or any other sci-fi show is historically

No, but I can share my data on the composition of every other season of the show. There's no good reason to be a pedant about it.

Not really, no. He wasn't regarded as anything like a sex symbol until he was associated with the character.

I would imagine the number of pressing things you need to be aware of in the comments of any entertainment site is staggeringly low, so it's probably for the best I didn't write with you in mind, personally.

But where are you being stopped from expressing your (majority) opinion? What you expressed in the comment I responded to is that OTHER people expressing differing opinions is harshing your buzz. You're allowed to say it's not cool. It probably isn't cool. But then it's not cool even when the opinion being argued with

Which is fine. Browbeating the people who hold the minority view and categorizing them all as trolls who just want to ruin everyone else's fun, however, is objectively awful.

I really won't know how to feel about this until I see how the character is written. It's perfectly all right that she's a woman, but since the writing team is male and since she is objectively a more traditionally attractive actor than pretty much any of her predecessors (with the possible exception of Davison), I

That it's a little weird to complain that "it is…not fun to have someone show up to tell you why you're wrong every single time you mention having enjoyed the movie" when that is something people who, god forbid, enjoyed the prequels are still dealing with twelve years after the fact. At least this topic is directly

But you see my point, no?

I'm not going to share my opinions on "The Force Awakens" because apparently simply having one other than, "It was awesome" is considered an act of dickish aggression. But I do find it very, very odd that people are talking about how awful it is to come in and say mean things about stuff they enjoy while at the same

So you mean like the people who dare to say they didn't think the prequels and Crystal Skull deserve the hatred they get?

I appreciate your sudden burst of self-awareness.

I fully expect several Woody Woodpeckers to show up any episode, now.

I hope he wasn't too shaken by the fate of Mr. Strawberry.

It makes sense that Coopleganger would be the mirror image of Good Coop. Just as intelligent and deadly but cold where Coop is warm and pragmatic where Coop is Tibetan.

People responding to someone who's only purpose on a thread is to bitch and moan and then directly insult people who call him out on it is not akin to "A Few Good Men." Everyone's handling it, and you, just fine.

As a story in its own right, I thought Wonder Woman was quite well made and enjoyable, but in the context of the character's real-life origins and long history I found Steve Trevor to be an issue for all the reasons mentioned here and then some. When you throw in the fact that Diana has to "learn" about love and peace

1211 Sixth Avenue. Come at me.