
No, gay marriage is supposed to solve the couple hundred legal protections denied to gay people because they couldn't marry. It's not supposed to solve human happiness anymore than straight marriage does.

That's not entirely fair. For the first several years of Lucasarts they very intentionally kept Star Wars output to a minimum. It was years before Lucasarts even committed to doing in-house Star Wars games, because people were demanding it. The reason they eventually became "all Star Wars, all the time" was not

Wow..that brings to mind a question I have with any animated show…is the full cast recording the VOs a la "Rebels" or is this pieced together a la "The Simpsons"? Because, AWKWARD….

I am responding to literal things that were said in this thread, so your tantrum is irrelevant. Several people talked about how Fig would never "sleep with a guy like Caputo," as though that somehow has something to do with consent. And since you completely glossed over the point I made about a male-female

But your own analogy only works if the person who offers the bribe suddenly becomes not culpable as soon as the bribe is accepted. I don't know of any philosophy where offering a bribe is considered ethically more neutral than accepting one.

But, A…he DIDN'T say that. And B. SHE was HIS superior. In any other workplace situation it would be considered impossible for an employee to hold coercive power over a manager. Are we saying that as long as it's a heterosexual relationship, harassment and assault can only be performed by the male even if he's in the

I have to be honest, I was really taken aback by this conversation. I take sexual assault extremely seriously (at least in part because I have been raped) and I don't know if I'm misremembering the scene or not, but as far as I can recall no one was drunk, no one was drugged, and at no point did Caputo demand sex from

Except that as many actual "Native Americans" will tell you, America is not a name they chose for this nation, so giving them that as an identity is just as culturally imperialist as what you think you're protesting. In an ideal world we would identify indigenous people by their tribal identity, but as a blanket term

I agree that violence is wrong and said as much, but again, this looks like it was an abusive relationship from the start to me and I don't know how a person would react in a real situation of being suddenly confronted with a tormenter whom you assumed could never come back.

The more I think about this premise, the more imagining what it would feel like to finally live in a world where you can be free of your abuser and then have that snatched away when he suddenly arrives (and circumstances make it IMPOSSIBLE to get away from him) makes me queasy.

What you call "unprovoked" Tandy calls, "Douchebag who's been bullying me my entire life deliberately has sex with someone he knows I have a crush on and then goes to space and is treated as a god by everyone we know in common without ever apologizing or resolving the issue." It's not especially healthy and I wouldn't

The punch to the nuts obviously comes as a response to a long history. I've never subscribed to the nonsense view that you have to be nice to family that isn't nice to you because of blood ties.

I think some people instinctively think that when an entire group of people gets together to make one person's life miserable and justifies it based on the person being socially inept, it's a worse thing than one guy being kind of an asshole. YMMV.

You make a valid point, but I have gotten the impression as the series has rolled on that he would be a lot happier just blowing things up and being left alone than struggling to fit in with what is increasingly looking like a mean-girl clique.

If anyone saved one we can independently verify whether the whole "Hurts like Satan" thing is true or not.

I accidentally posted this on last week's recap:

It's always interesting to see how people react to bullying situations from the outside in and what it shows about people's level of empathy. To me it was very clear that Tandy has spent a good deal of his life being bullied and then gaslighted by his "charming" younger brother, and this was very accurate in depicting

I am oddly expecting something akin to "The Facts of Life" reunion where it's all about guys competing for Natalie's affections.

I get that it's fun to make fun of Steve Miller for being MOR and whatnot, but it's kind of a smear job to leave in the statements that make him look like an ungrateful douchebag and leave out the perfectly valid statements he made on the ridiculousness of the nomination process and the pettiness and sexism/racism and

In New York, there are three restaurants: Yum Yum Bangkok, Yum Yum Bangkok Too, and Yum Yum Bangkok 3. They are all within two blocks of each other on the same avenue. I've often wondered if something is being smuggled under the catacombs or something, because that is one truly bizarre business model.