hey guys if I say something stupid don't worry, it was just my Dumb Kyami persona
hey guys if I say something stupid don't worry, it was just my Dumb Kyami persona
I liked it a lot, it's a shame it's so easy to ruin the game for yourself with the default settings (opportunities, magical radar that knows the target position at all times etc.) It should come with config presets tied to difficulty or something.
It's very much like RE4 but with a bit more of an emphasis on stealth and more tools to approach enemy encounters. It's not a bad game, the only problem is that like RE4 it can be pretty frustrating since the checkpoint system is not very forgiving. Absolutely worth the $8 or so I paid during the recent Steam sale.
I'm hoping to pick this up during the Steam christmas sale. Is the other DLC worth it?
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator is very, very good if you want to put that arcade stick to use. The PS4 was discounted to $20 recently and I believe Amazon had it for $15 which is a complete no-brainer since it is the best and most polished fighter out this year. The PC version just came out last week as well.
1. DOOM (PC). Not only was this game being good completely out of left field after going through development hell (get it) but it's the only fun I've had playing a shooter since… Well… Wolfenstein New Order maybe? Stays true to the original without being stuck in the past and goes to show it's still possible to make a…
Absolutely pathetic that Fargo Season 2 has been snubbed from appearing in any of AVC's 2016 '"Best Of" lists with the flimsy excuse that it's actually from 2015
I think it's wonderful that at a time when America has never been more divided Lena Dunham still manages to bring us all together to ridicule her terrible fucking opinions - it truly is a christmas miracle!
I don't know, ask his kids.
I hated A Serious Man the first time I saw it but now it's in my top 3 Coen brothers films.
im seeing double here.. 4 bannons?!
I've added him to the list
America is already great!
The story was that they outed a Condé Nast executive who was neither a public figure nor an anti-lgbt crusader. There was no public interest in ruining that guy's marriage but they did it anyway and speculation is that it was simply a petty shot at Reddit which is owned by Condé Nast.
Episode 3 is a good intro with the Ross Douthat reading series
Let's see… Chapo Trap House was robbed, DOOM should have been #1, Uncharted 4 sucks, I have to finish the Dark Tower books now, I really want to see Arrival, Westworld isn't that good, Bernie would have won.
Oh man the Eichenwald saga over the past few days has been mind-boggling. He was just on Good Morning America saying his claim that Trump had been in a mental hospital (which he defended on Tucker Carlson's show) was actually a "joke", then he said it was a secret signal to "activate a source".
The bit about eroding trust in the media kind of glosses over the fact that news outlets, on the whole, have been consistently, monumentally wrong about everything this year (especially when it comes to Brexit and Trump) and there's been very little in the way of accountability or even soul-searching.
I haven't seen a single one of these and it's killing me inside that I can't complain about the list.
Better than getting it from the Sun comment section apparently.