Nice to see the paternalistic "this is good for them!" horseshit argument to whitewash British colonialism is still around.
Nice to see the paternalistic "this is good for them!" horseshit argument to whitewash British colonialism is still around.
There is zero suggestion in his post that EVERY instance of suffering can be traced back to British imperialism, just that is is amazing just how many such instances there are. Also "staying in power by playing off local rivals one against the other and then leaving without even attempting to ease the conflicts that…
All the evidence appears to support my theory that the quality of Cameron's films is inversely correlated with their budget.
I hate to complain about those lists but how is Suicide Squad not on there (full disclosure: i love to complain about those lists)
Yeah it's definitely not like it was being worked on by A-teams for 10 years uninterrupted. DOOM turned out solid despite going through the same kind of development but that's the exception to the rule.
I was reading up on Sicario and apparently the mayor of Juarez had issues with the depiction of the city in the film because it was only accurate up to 2010, which to me sounds like "sure the city suffered constant gunfire and had dismembered corpses hanging from bridges but that stuff was like, 5 years ago".
This week I watched a bunch of movies I'd never seen, mostly from the past few years.
After giant monster movie Cloverfield and psychological thriller Cloverfield I'm just holding out for romantic comedy Cloverfield
I am 100% watching this.
Ever closer to the Idiocracy timeline
memes or autism?
Funny you should suggest internet memes don't have real world influence just as Ron Paul is finishing his second term.
You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*****, n*****, n*****.” By 1968 you can't say “n*****” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally…
Yes giving attention to niche podcasts is really dumb, what's really useful is to recommend widely successful common interest shows everyone already knows about.
All you need is Chapo Trap House and Cum Town
It's crazy to me the Wii U is still almost as expensive as a PS4, there's a few games I really want on it.
I just hope I can get a cheap Wii U at some point to play Bayonetta 1 & 2 and Wonderful 101. It makes no sense to me why the Wii U is still almost as expensive as a PS4…
I'm not a huge fan of the series but I played through the trilogy and ME2 was by far my favorite. It's the only game that lives up to the Star Trek "going on a space adventure with my alien friends" premise. I like that you actually have to make choices that matter in that one.
They're making a lot of money from pachinko and it's a lot less risky than investing in AAA videogames. That's all there is to it really.