
This show is still hilarious and not in a "adjust because it's old" way

Don't worry, PS4s will be really cheap by the time this comes out.

Kojima can make a trailer. The MGS5 'nuclear' trailer was better than the game.

This appears to confirm my theory that if there's one thing South-Koreans love as much as violent revenge, it's trains.

They look like a k-pop boys band

And? We're talking about the latter here.

"Cuck" as used by 4chan comes from the specific fetish where a man lets his wife have sex with another (usually black) man. The implication is that he is a willing participant, which is why anyone in favor of immigration or, really, anything short of rounding up muslims into camps is labeled a "cuck".

Wrong. The "Cuck" *wants* his wife to have sex with another man because he's not man enough to satisfy her. He get off on that humiliation. The word is based on that specific fetish.

Portishead is even better

I remember saying this when AVC introduced the vote system…

The sheer number of users on reddit makes it so niche communities often have more activity than dedicated forums, without the inconvenience of having to register etc. Reddit is immensely improved by immediately unsubscribing from the default communities which have the worst commentariat you can imagine.

Some of their figureheads have branded themselves alt-right because "white nationalist/supremacist" doesn't have much appeal outside of avowed racists but really the issue here is that the media eagerly picked it up and ran with it as if it was different.

And columnists

I wouldn't worry about them not having enough misogynist insults at the ready that they need to stretch the definition of "cuck" to qualify

The wife is always a consenting party in this scenario though, which makes it even more of an insult to the male. Calling "cuck" a "misogynist insult" is a stretch.

You're missing the racial implication of the word "cuck". Cuckold porn tends to involve a black male and the use of the term as it originated on 4chan implies not just that you're a "beta" male but also a race traitor, which is why anyone with the slightest bit of sympathy for Muslim citizens or refugees is labeled as

There's no shortage of idiots to argue that Trump won because of "political correctness" so probably.

It doesn't sit right with me that AVC never actually reviewed the Wire season 1-4. Seems like a pretty glaring oversight considering some of the garbage they review on a regular basis.

me too

Take your meds.