
Stick to what the nurse tells you.

Children learn figurative speech when they turn 6. Take your meds.

Take your meds.

Any Dem other than Hillary Clinton could have defeated Donald.

And after Pence was booed off the premises, the Hamilton cast took Lin-Manuel Miranda out of the trash can and everyone gave him a standing ovation.

Imagine being so fucking stupid a nazi you can't even figure out how to draw a swastika.

"They" being not just Rs but fellow democrats. Whitewashing their role in it doesn't help anyone. Hillary was making speeches against gay marriage as late as 2004.

Well I don't really use Disqus all that much tbh but now that you mention it, Steve Jobs' rotting corpse is probably more user friendly.

The Discourse must be protected at all costs

Man this is the first time I "get into it" in a live AVC thread and let me just say: Disqus is a piece of shit

At this price the audience should be able to boo a rotating roster of right wing ghouls.

He deleted it for some reason.

I don't have the $1200 to spare on a Hamilton ticket but I'm pretty sure booing Mike Pence is way more fun than the actual show

You have to admit it's pretty funny that Mike Pence paid like $2500 to get yelled at.

There's no way it wasnt some fucked up political ploy. Probably a bunch of Breibart articles about evil leftists yelling at saintly Mike Pence tomorrow.


And here come the semantics. Thanks for your input, khaleesi has been defended.

Reminder that Trump didn't show up to a rally (rust belt somewhere? can't remember what city) because there were a bunch of protesters there. He's a huge pussy.