
He signed it because it was politically expedient at the time.

…. what? I'm making fun of the guy who tweeted that.

Yes Clinton the career politician is an angel who only runs 100% clean, positive campaigns, and any suggestion that she rolls in the same dirt as the rest of them must be met with hysterical posturing.

Yes when people under your supervision do bad things it's not your fault. This is how it works.

The Hillary campaign did release the "muslim garb" picture. Being performatively upset so you can be a good ally does not change the facts.

I referred to a specific, well documented incident.

He did it on purpose to get this reaction so Trump can go "look at how intolerant the liberals are", which he did.

Of course it was. Nothing is ever Hillary's fault.

Actually it does

Ugh, white men… Am I right fellas?

It's not just wingnuts, the Hillary 2008 campaign also released the "muslim garb" picture and she kept campaigning after she lost just in case he was assassinated.

i love guy culture too

lmao check this out

And my body and soul and mind are pure
Not polluted or diluted or damaged beyond cure

No Man's Sky was a hilarious debacle to watch unfold, probably the funniest gaming failure since SimCity 2013.

It's a funny petition and people are taking this way too seriously. I'm pretty sure the critically-acclaimed creator of the $1200-a-seat costumed rap musical smash hit is going to be okay.

Hard-Boiled-Was-Better crew checking in

I like this thanks for the heads up, shame they don't have a download version due to bandcamp apparently charging the artist for downloads (??)

my dog ate the new riffs

There's some decent insight there