
I was completely lost watching the movies myself, until I read the books. Turns out Harry Potter has magical powers.

I wasn't too upset because I played Peace Walker and Hayter's voice has gone to complete shit

I beat the original and also the remake Tomb Raider Anniversary. I wouldn't play through the original now, the tank controls haven't aged well. Too bad because I really want to play TR2 again and that doesn't have a remake.

Yes like how Obama was utterly destroyed after the right spent the entire campaign calling him a muslim socialist.

You do have to be liked to get in a position where you can get shit done though.

Congratulations Hillary Clinton on winning the 2016 presidential election against a racist orange muppet who picked up politics as a hobby last year.

Yes Hillary is great at building a diverse, bipartisan coalition of people that despise her.

We would fight to the death and I would win, and then there would be no one to oppose me.

Didn't you read the article? All the rappers just got the misogyny and homophobia from the hardcore punk scene.

I definitely remember the Beasties being played on "alt-rock" stations as far back as the 90s

Paul Revere is still a top 3 Beasties song

I'm saying it looks unnecessary because this trailer is full of shots ripped straight out of the 1995 movie… I'm not saying it's "spitting" on anything, it just looks like one more unimaginative american remake.

Ghosts are invisible. Checkmate

Looks a bit unnecessary. The 1995 movie has aged pretty well, one of the few anime films to get the coveted "even for an anime film" disclaimer.

Top of the page dude

For me it's Samantha Bee, the liberal icon pushing for racial segregation in her kids' school.

White women overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Anyway. To sum up:

Liberals have gone so far right that the Republicans had to nominate a literal fascist to be able to tell them apart.

… Are you really dense or are you missing the part where a significant portion of the working class went from Sanders to Trump and 3rd party. Also Sanders wasnt an actual "democrat"