
Nice smug neolib condescension, how did that work out

It's really not complicated. Bernie polled higher than Clinton against Trump, meaning his policies resonated with more voters than Trumps, likely because he actually had a message for the working class you idiots dismiss as "racist" even though many of them voted Obama in 2008 and 2012. To everyone's huge surprise

My point is that Hillary was a uniquely flawed candidate and ran a terrible campaign. Maybe the fact that a fake democrat almost beat her in the primaries despite the DNC rigging it against him was a sign.

They're already blaming Jill fucking Stein like Nader lol

Ah yes, must be why everyone in here is scoffing at "unity".

Maybe what you could "unify" around is the stuff Bernie Sanders was campaigning on during the primaries that had him polling double digits over Trump and made him the most popular politician in america this entire year. Single payer health care, $15 minimum wage, staunch anti-racism, things like that.

Weird how many of those "assholes" voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. But it can't possibly be that Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate.

Lol this is 2000 all over again

Eat shit, you morons deserve the racist muppet.

Nice to see you fucking idiots have learned nothing.

Good job, internet! Up next: John Oliver Eviscerates Donald #Drumpf in hilarious video! Check out this epic #LenaDunham rap! Hillary sold the Saudis the jets that are #massacring Yemeni Civilians! Hillary dances the naenae with Ellen! Revealed: The truth behind the sinister "Pepe" frog! Jon Stewart returns and

The US survived a Nixon presidency, it will survive an incompetent muppet presidency.

Michael Moore warned you actually.

How could this happen, I was saying "Drumpf"

Yeah it was good. Cruise is great in roles where he plays atypical weirdos.


I admire it for casting Canada's worst actors

Hard Boiled is not only better than the Killer, it is the last of Woo's great films.

$234 is insanely cheap for a 3D printer and a 3D printer isn't a necessity.